5 weeks in- losing motivation

For the first 2 weeks of my "diet" i didn't really know i was dieting, I was just watching my portions. Then I decided to really dig in. (I'm going on vacation in May and after having two babies, I'm not sure if I can get into a bikini again and not feel absolutely horrible). I started counting calories, working out daily, and about a week or so ago I joined my fitness pal to help with the process. Everything was going perfect, until I weighed myself...
I seriously cannot believe it. I have never felt so proud of myself. (well, other than right after I had my kids. Pushing them suckers out is a work out. ;)) But, and now this is going to sound silly, I have lost motivation. I'm still keeping at it, but i feel like I've accomplished so much, I can't accomplish anymore. To hit my goal weight that I've set for myself by May (and i still want to lose more after, just healthily) I need to lose 24 more pounds. I know that the first weight to come off is the easiest, and it's been HARD for me. I can't imagine it getting any harder. I'm not really quite sure where I'm going with this, or the feedback that I'm looking for, but if anyone has anything to help, please, share.


  • rissavanwey
    First off, CONGRATS!!! 16# is awesome work :)

    If seeing the scale change throws you off, only weigh yourself once a week. Or not at all - track your progress by hitting your calories for the day, and how your clothes fit. If the scale throws you off that much, consider either taking the batteries out of it or trashing it all together!

    Also, maybe consider a small prize for meeting daily goals? I'm a 5yr old at heart, and if I work out I get to put a sticker on the calendar.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about giving yourself small rewards a long the way.
    Stay positive and be patient. The losses slow down after the few weeks. <3