56lbs to lose!

Currently weigh about 186, looking to get to at least 130. Looking for people to help keep me motivated and on track. (I'll do the same for you.) Feel free to add me. :smile: :heart:


  • kellyswanholm
    kellyswanholm Posts: 12 Member
    Added! My starting weight was 199.6lbs and my goal is 135lbs (for now). I am currently at 191.6lbs. :)
  • I currently weigh 238 and in total want to lose 80lbs but I am setting smaller goals to prevent discouragement. I can't remember how to add people but I am definitely in need of motivation.
  • Packk
    Packk Posts: 1
    Im new here! You guys seem similar goal/weight loss as me... i really need the motivation and soneone to smack the cookies outta my hand lol current weight 200 ...10 weeks post partum #2 (baby boy) goal is150 but hoping to lose at least 20 before march 22nd when I leave for a cruise :D
  • EK2828
    EK2828 Posts: 20 Member
    I had a similar starting point, and am pretty sure I've gained/lost 700 lbs over the course of the last 4 years and having 2 babies. I'm about 25 lbs from my pre-baby goal now, and I'm about 5lbs up from where I fell off the wagon last time. Most of the friends I had before aren't active anymore or have totally disappeared, so I'd love to build back up a support system! Sending some add requests... :)
  • jccblu
    jccblu Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    I am about the same. (Previously 196) I then fell off wagon thinking I can eat whatever, but managed to keep some weight off. This is Round 2 and I weighed in yesterday at 186.5. I'm going on a cruise March 5th. I am doing a quick not best way to lose weight method. Just hoping to drop water weight and get my body to not want to eat so much. I'm 5'1" so have a lot of weight on me. I'm not starving myself but eating really small meals as doctor said and mainly vegetables.
  • the_chiha
    the_chiha Posts: 784 Member
    I'm back and trying hard to stay commited! I have about 80 pounds to lose. :)
  • You can add me! I have an iPhone and can't add people. But feel free to add me!!
  • cherryberry03
    cherryberry03 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm current in the process of losing weight I've lost 62lb but have 45 more too go! Feel free to add me
  • Rhinoceruslegs
    Rhinoceruslegs Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! How do we connect to encourage? Congrats berrysherry! I'm just recently getting rolling; started a 194; down 5 so far. Finally getting focused would love to be part of a team!
  • Add me too :) I have to loose the same! Let's do it together
  • Hey :) I'm starting to. My Goal ? Mhm .. Size 10 (*)
  • Rhinoceruslegs
    Rhinoceruslegs Posts: 6 Member
    maybe ill join u...go get em
  • I need motivation pronto! I need to fit into my dungarees!! Feel free to add me, everyone :)
  • Hello! I'm currently at 189 and trying to lose 40ish more pounds. I recently had a baby and have successfully lost all the weight I had gained and am trying to keep going! Feel free to add me!
  • mrskbryant
    mrskbryant Posts: 9 Member
    Hey all! I am on my weight loss journey as well..looking to lose roughly 40 lbs...Let's encourage and motivate each other..Feel free to add me :-)
  • keeliemac1968
    keeliemac1968 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP. I need to lose 90 lbs to get to my goal, but I need to take baby steps and make small goals. I find the app easy to use. I'm at 1200 calories, and I thought I would be starving to death, but so far so good. :)
  • ImDowner
    ImDowner Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on a mission to lose about 60 pounds. At 208 now, down ten pounds so far.
  • I have about 41 lbs to lose, feel free to add me! :)
  • I have about 60 pounds to lose. I just started this journey but I'm very excited! I sent you a friend request. :)
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome. I have lost 121 lbs with 129 to go. Anyone can feel free to add me for support. Good luck to all with your journey