My 12 month journey - weight loss and transformation

Good morning, On 5th January 2015 I decided that enough is enough and I am going to transform my body this year. I've given myself 1 year to lose 8 stone, I've lost 8lbs so far.
I've broken it down into 4 lots of 3 months and given myself a goal to lose in those 3 months.

Be great to get some motivational friends behind me and maybe to join me :)
Louise x


  • princessirl
    Hi Louise!

    That sounds like a great plan. I'm glad to hear it's going well so far :) I'm sure you'll do amazingly well!

    Ella x
    N0EXCUSE Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck! I would like to lose 4 stone this year :D feel free to add me x
  • Body_4_Life
    Body_4_Life Posts: 23 Member
    I like your way of thinking... I think you will do brilliant as you breaking it down into small chucks...

  • autumnreached
    Love your plan, too. Realistic and goal oriented.

  • LouH6
    LouH6 Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone, I've got to the point now where I am fully committed and motivated to go do it this time. I am a director of a charity and myself and my husband have booked the three peaks challenge in Yorkshire uk for September as a motivational tool but also to raise money for the charity at the same time so there is no getting out of it lol.

    Lou x