A long way to go, I want donuts!

cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
To be healthier I need to lose weight. I am worried about getting diabetes when I am older. I tend to eat when I'm stressed and bored. I have had alot of stress lately so I have been eating alot. However, I have changed alot of habits, I no longer go out to bars and drink twice a week and I have joined a gym. Are there any suggestions for how to relieve stress without eating?

Also as a way to relieve boredom I eat as a way to relax and enjoy myself. It is a hard habit to break because I like to eat when I watch TV or on the Computer. I now have to pay for this vice but I need to find a life style change. What has worked for all of you?

The problem is I can't just go to the gym every time I'm hungry, I don't have time, and I have been suffering from health problems which makes it hard to work out too hard. I need ideas for things that I can do that are easy but still active. If I do too much I am hurt the next day and that throws me off my exercise routine, and makes me want to be lazy again. I even had to find a new job, desk job, to accommodate my health. My doctor says I can exercise but I know my body and I know I can't push myself too hard.

Thanks for any help


  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    What about walking? It's a low-impact way to stay active
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    i know EXACTLY what you mean! i eat everytime i get anxious or stressed. and night time is the worst. i keep cold bottles of water in the fridge and packs of sugarless gum in my snack drawer. i chomp a piece of gum which keeps me from eating the sugary sweet things i want. and the water fills my tummy so i dont feel like eating anyway. i hope this helps!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    I think the first key is to set yourself up to succeed, not to fail. First of all, get rid of any junk that you snack on and replace it with healthy snacks (fruits, veggies, 100 calorie snacks, etc). Those are just for those times that you NEED a snack or you just can't fight the urge. At least you are snacking a little healthier. Second, Find things to do when you get bored and want to eat. The gym is good but not always possible and/or convenient. Maybe go take a walk or jog instead. Try doing some pushups, situps or some other kind of exercise. Find some things that you like to do (read? surf the web, video game, whatever) that are your designated things to do instead of eating. Keep well hydrated with water. SOmetimes you think you're hungry but you really need water which will also help keep you full. I think the key here is...Get moving and replace boredom with movement.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    I love to eat as much as the next person, but my former bout of hypertension led me to find healthier foods to put in my mouth when I got or thought I was hungry. Have you tried starting with a nice brisk walk when you feel the urge to eat? Do you like music? Turn off the TV and computer, grab your headphone and hit the pavement. There are so many things you can do to get up and start moving without going to the gym. What you are going to have to basically start doing is to stop making excuses which is what I am seeing in your post. Remove can't from your vocabulary and say I'll try. I will try to push my body a little harder each day. You may think you know your body but if you've never put it to the test then you will never know what you are capable of.

    Another thing I did to get my eating under control is to research everything about the diseases that I don't want to have when I get older. Once I learned all I wanted to know about each disease, I moved on to researching preventable measures. After I got enough of that I moved on the reading about working out. Right now I'm reading everything I can about cardio and strength training. You have the world at your fingertips with the internet. Make google your best friend in order to help you get your mind to wear it needs to be for optimal health.

    Good luck! You can do it...you just have to try.
  • raptoradaptor
    I don't know about your sosial life, but try not too keep potatochips and sweets in your house.. so when you dont have access too it you dont eat that much either.. If you really feel the urge for someting to eat all the time, maybe you could find something to substitute the urge with? For example everytime you want to eat something have a piece of gum or something. You say that you don't have time to work out all the time, but yet you have the time to sit infront of the TV? I don't think you should work out all the time either, but you could maybe go for a little walk or something that is not so stressfull... If I am very stressed I like to get my ipod and go for a little walk.. A hobby could also be something that could keep your mind off eating all the time, if that is your biggest problem....
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    First question is what are you eating??? Are you getting enough Protein? Are you drinking 64oz of water everyday? Those are key to staying fuller longer.

    I also have a desk job, I do mini exercises at my desk, I don't count them they are just a bonus, same can be done at home. I do all my calisthenics while watching tv.

    All are very low impact.

    Stay strong and Focused, you can do it.
  • Unknown
    Do it like they did in the 80s and do a crap load of coke
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I know that it's summer now, so this is not quite the best idea, but when I first started logging calories on here, I was big into the crocheting. It gives your hands something to do, you can watch tv while you're doing it and you don't think about eating if you're too busy counting stitches.

    It really works! It's maybe more of a winter activity but if you want to get a jump start on some gifts... you can always pick it up now.

    Reading is a good one. Drawing, writing in a journal, juggling... anything that occupies you mind and your hands is a good thing. Take a walk, yeah, that is also good, but if you want to stay in... have a glass of red wine (just one)... take your time drinking it (like 20 minutes to half an hour) and sit out on the porch and watch everyone walk their dogs or something. Do something that feels like me time... I always feel like an ADD kid with hobbies or activities. I'm always trying to learn something new. What people don't realize is that I have to occupy myself or I go nuts. I start eating, or I sleep. I feel like crap. I need to be doing something all the time. Maybe that's ADHD. Lmao.

    Good luck to you!!!

    ps. Your body can do things you never thought possible. I have worked out to the point that I thought I was going to throw up or my muscles were going to snap. I have pushed through some serious resistance, and made it out alive and even stronger than I was before. You'd be surprised at what your body can do. I know that you are aware of your limitations, but don't underestimate yourself. You can do more than you think. And when your body proves you wrong, it's a wonderful feeling... until the soreness sets of course. :D By all means, don't injure yourself, but sometimes it's ok to trust that your body can take a little more punishment than you want to inflict.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When I want to eat and shouldn't, I chew gum. It often satisfies the urge for long enough for me to find something to do.

    Check out Netflix or your local library for some fitness videos. You can try them for free, and if you hate one, send it back (or delete off your instant watch), and you don't have to make it to the gym.

    Go ahead and reward yourself once in a while. It'll keep you from loosing control and binging. I used to keep a quart of very good ice cream in the back of the freezer. If my calories were low enough that day, I could have 1/4 cup (that's about 90 cal), and eat it very slowly to really enjoy it. There were times I'd look at the b-day cake at work, or the candy machine, or even the free samples at the store, and ask myself "do I really want this, or do I want my ice cream tonight," and almost every time, the answer was ice cream, and I could walk away. (And I lost weight!)
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    In addition to the helpful tips mentioned above (drink water, chew gum, go for a walk or do calisthenics, pick up a hobby to do with your hands...), I find that mindset makes a huge difference. Don't focus on the things that you can't do or can't have. Think about the positive aspects. It sounds kind of cheesy, but it really does work.

    You also mention in your profile that you have a kid. Maybe when you're feeling restless you could spend time with them? It can really take your mind off your worries to spend time playing. And if your child is old enough, you could burn off some extra calories by playing tag, tossing around a ball, or riding bicycles together.

    Lifestyle changes aren't easy, but you can do them. You can make good decisions and succeed in reaching your goals. You just have to take it one day at a time.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Man, I've been there. My start weight was about 7 lbs less then yours, so I can truly relate.

    As far as eating around the PC/TV I either just don't take any food with me when I'm watching or working, or I measure it out ahead of time. I have to, because if I 'm holding a bag of chips, I won't stop on them until they're gone.

    Also, water helps a ton!!! I'm chugging the stuff, and it keeps me from being very hungry at all.

    Best of luck, and remember, you CAN do this!
  • sdc225
    sdc225 Posts: 32 Member
    I know what you mean. I'm a recovering junk food junkie and donuts were my food of choice! I stopped buying those things and replaced them with 100 calorie snacks and yogurt that way if I'm hungry or just want a snack I can have one without doing too much damage. Good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm a boredom eater, too, and I've found the very best thing is to find something to do so my hands aren't free while I'm watching TV. Crocheting, needlepoint, crosstitching, scrapbooking, sit-ups, leg lifts... whatever floats your boat, but don't let those idle hands put food into your mouth. For when I do have some extra calories, I like little foods that take me a long time to eat: air popped popcorn (no butter!), low sugar breakfast cereals, baby carrots, etc. I only take a single portion, and a 16 oz. glass of water, with me to the sofa and I'm only "allowed" to eat one piece at a time, no handfuls and I have to finish the water. By the time I get done, the urge to eat is gone and I've eaten maybe 100 calories.

    P.S. Donuts are evil! They are gone in 3-4 bites and have 200-350 calories. They don't taste that good anyway. Say it with me: "They don't taste that good anyway!". :laugh: