Beginning my journey to a healthier me...

Well I know I have a long way ago...I started 3 days ago...I pushed it off for too long and got carried I ended up jumping to 272.6 lbs(I know it's really disgusting and unhealthy) I cry everytime I think about it and look in a mirror...I hope to stick to this and lose about 120 lbs...I cry when I think about how much I have to lose...but I can't rush it you know....


  • lessleem91
    lessleem91 Posts: 12 Member
    Its a very emotional long road and if your an emotional eater like me it's even worse but take it one day at a time hun, first thing is to start being positive this is your new lifestyle not a crash diet, everyday is fresh start and one day closer to the you.. you want to be:) I've been doing this for only 3 days but so far it's been going smoothly... stay motivated you got this!
  • alishadunham94
    alishadunham94 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you lessleem91 for the positive feedback...I know it's more of a lifestyle change and once all of this weight comes off I need to keep to a healthy lifestyle....I've been doing ok trying to stay a little under my calorie allowance....and I'm searching for fitness that I can enjoy and that will help me as of luck to you on your journey too :)
  • mrspayton1
    Alishadunham94 I know how you feel. I am 225lbs, the biggest I have ever been in my life. I don't even like to look in the mirror anymore. I have just begun my journey and i am a little discouraged because I always feel hungry. I wish us both luck with the road ahead!
  • frankburto
    With you guys all the way

    Just started this week - have tried so many diets I must at this stage have honoury membership to the yo-yo club.

    My plan this time is to log exactly what I eat - (love the bar code scanner on the app), keep below my recommended calories and try to get three sessions of exercise ( of some sort) a week.
  • RoniShy2015
    RoniShy2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on the same journey. My goal is 50 in 2015 and I know I can do it, just have to remind myself every meal! It's not easy but it can be done. Please know I am backing and supporting you as well. You can do it alishadunham94!!!
  • alishadunham94
    alishadunham94 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck to everyone...just don't get discouraged that it might take a while to drop the lbs off...I know for me just 2 lbs a week feels like nothing...but any lbs lost is one step closer to your goal...and with the way time seems to fly by so fast we will all begin to see results before we know it...also I for one have decided to order some thyroid vitamins(because I know for a fact I have an under active thyroid) and if any of you feel sluggish and like you're not having any results maybe give that a try...because when your thyroid is regulated it makes it much easier to lose the weight I've heard so I'm definitely giving it a try so I can update you guys on how it works for me...also sometimes it's good to cleanse your body because it's sorta like a car...if you don't change the oil and filter when it needs to be done it can create grime and buildup and pouring oil into it doesn't make it very effective it's not until you clean it out and get a new filter that you notice your car starts running smoothly...same for your body...I'm taking some products from plexus slim one is probio5 and also biocleanse to help clear my body of candida yeast...candida can also make it harder to lose weight there is a simple test you can do to see if you have a candida build up...get a clear glass and fill it with water when you wake up in the morning...and before you eat or drink anything spit in the glass...let it sit maybe 5-10 minutes...if nothing changes with your spit then that means you are good...but if it starts to get cloudy and if you look thru the cup on the side and see what seems like strings hanging from your spit it means you have it....meaning your body needs a good cleanse....I suggest leaving the cup for 30 minutes to get the best results but I really doesn't take too long to see...anyways sorry for the long post but I just wanted to include some info on a few things...good luck on your journeys to a healthy lifestyle and shedding that weight..just keep at it and when you look back in a few months or a year and see the big difference you will be so proud of yourselves for sticking it out and running the race even though at times may get wishes~
    Alisha D
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in the same boat. So grossed out by my weight and overwhelmed at how much I must lose. I'm a week into it, I've lost 8.5 lbs total. I guessed on my starting weight, got a scale and found out I weighed 10lbs more than I thought (barf). So I'm almost back down to what I weighed six months ago. That made me realize I have been gaining about 10-20lbs a year, it has taken me 10 years to get this big. I'm hoping to take it off in a year. Good luck to you, don't give in to temptation, and stay strong.
  • jlodes_1965
    Hi I just started yesterday and can use as much encouragement as I can get. I weigh 255 and my Dr would like to see me loss at lest 75 lbs this yr.
  • katcoleesp
    katcoleesp Posts: 33 Member
    I am a Plexus Ambassador, you all can do this, stay focused, be patient, log your foods, get some exercise and DRINK THE WATER!!
  • rielyjo
    In the same boat...added you. I also have an under active thyroid and put on alot of weight.