Protein shake for breakfast

Which one is a good protein shake for breakfast. Don't eat that much at breakfast, have to force myself to eat. Too busy too make breakfast myself. Suggestions? Tried protein shake last time and was getting headaches, wondered if it was too much protein.?


  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    The only one I've tried is Shakeology and I liked it.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    My go to protein shake is:
    - 1 frozen banana
    - 1 cup of almond milk
    - 1 scoop of your favourite protein shake in Chocolate or Vanilla (I like the Whey Isolate protein shake from Costco)
    - Blend and serve

    You can also add 1 Tbsp of peanut butter as well (natural peanut butter or other nut butter) - delicious!

    I'm not sure what the headache could be from but I doubt its from too much protein. it might be from the type of sweetener that's used in the protein shake that you tried, not sure.
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    No it would be from all the artificial flavor and sugar they use. Same happens to me.

    Now i use 100% natural unflavored WPI or WPC and mix my own sweetener and flavor. Ie Cinnamon powder or carob powder. Fruit ect

    Not to much protein too, I always use 50g powder with is about 47g protein
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you don't usually do breakfast, there is nothing wrong with that. I myself, find the earlier I eat, the hungrier I am throughout the day.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sydking wrote: »
    No it would be from all the artificial flavor and sugar they use. Same happens to me.

    Sydking, you don't know that. Just because you feel your headache was from certain ingredients in the protein shake does not mean it's true for everyone. Some people tolerate sugar and artificial ingredients just fine. :)

    Zepeda, I tried this pea based protein shake because I'm lactose intolerant, but it made me break out in hives. I've tried others that either tasted nasty or they made my tummy not feel well.

    At Whole Foods last week, I found Jay Robb Whey Protein. I have no idea who this dude is, but his protein shake tastes like heaven. This is the only one I've been able to tolerate.

  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Sydking wrote: »
    No it would be from all the artificial flavor and sugar they use. Same happens to me.

    Sydking, you don't know that. Just because you feel your headache was from certain ingredients in the protein shake does not mean it's true for everyone. Some people tolerate sugar and artificial ingredients just fine. :)

    Zepeda, I tried this pea based protein shake because I'm lactose intolerant, but it made me break out in hives. I've tried others that either tasted nasty or they made my tummy not feel well.

    At Whole Foods last week, I found Jay Robb Whey Protein. I have no idea who this dude is, but his protein shake tastes like heaven. This is the only one I've been able to tolerate.

    No just talking from personal experience. Since when has too much protein ever given someone a headache? NEVER. artificial sugar and cheap flavorings will do that but as most powders are a chemical concoction

    Also no one asked for you sly input on pea protein and some whole foods knob who sells a gimmick powder. Of course it tastes good its full of rubbish
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I prefer a protein bar because I don't like farting around with blenders in the morning, or ever.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sydking wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Sydking wrote: »
    No it would be from all the artificial flavor and sugar they use. Same happens to me.

    Sydking, you don't know that. Just because you feel your headache was from certain ingredients in the protein shake does not mean it's true for everyone. Some people tolerate sugar and artificial ingredients just fine. :)

    Zepeda, I tried this pea based protein shake because I'm lactose intolerant, but it made me break out in hives. I've tried others that either tasted nasty or they made my tummy not feel well.

    At Whole Foods last week, I found Jay Robb Whey Protein. I have no idea who this dude is, but his protein shake tastes like heaven. This is the only one I've been able to tolerate.

    No just talking from personal experience. Since when has too much protein ever given someone a headache? NEVER. artificial sugar and cheap flavorings will do that but as most powders are a chemical concoction

    Also no one asked for you sly input on pea protein and some whole foods knob who sells a gimmick powder. Of course it tastes good its full of rubbish

    Whoa. Um......sly is within your perception only. ;)

    A gimmick powder? It's just whey protein, and she did ask for ones we thought were good, and that's the only one that works for me.

    As for speaking from personal experience, that's not what I see. You said it again above (see first bold part).

    Being wrong for you is one thing, but there is nothing wrong with sugar and artificial flavorings.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I prefer a protein bar because I don't like farting around with blenders in the morning, or ever.

    I like protein bars as well.
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    If you have to force yourself to eat, don't bother with breakfast. Better to eat nothing than eat something you don't want and doesn't make you feel good.
  • chris2720
    I'm new to myfitnesspal and just saw this post.

    Choosing a good protein as far as quality is concerned I recommend either Optimum Nutrition which is popular in the weight lifting community for its high quality and relative low cost. Your second option I recommend is Garden of Life which is all organic. (Don't care for the taste much)

    Both options will cost you anywhere between 27-40 dollars depending on size,type and place of purchase.

    Another consideration is the type to buy. (whey or casein protein)
    Whey mixes much better and absorbs into your system faster. Casein is usually thicker and in my opinion does not taste as good but it absorbs much slower which feeds your body between longer meal periods.

    Not sure what your diet restrictions are but for breakfast you might consider Ensure. I love it and makes for a decent breakfast if you are in a hurry like I am. It's more then just protein so that could be good or bad depending on your goals.

    If you are getting headaches you either have a really bad low quality protein or something else is causing it. It is very unlikely you are eating too much protein.

    Feel free to message me, I've done tons of research on protein and the best kinds to use for whatever your goals are. I can also tell you if the protein you are using is very low quality.

    Hope this helps!
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I like Ensure. Don't do diet shakes though, they tend to be nasty. Especially Slimfast...
  • zepeda602
    zepeda602 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks guys for all your suggestions and opinions. I will keep them in mind.
    I will definitely been trying Ensure for now.
    I don't want to try too many things at once. This all eating healthy is kinda new to me, well eating right. I have always been thin but my methobolism is not as good as it used to be in my younger days.
  • zepeda602
    zepeda602 Posts: 18 Member
    You're all welcome to add me so we can motivate each other.