Looking for new MFP friends

Hi all! Boating season is right around the corner and I am looking to drop my last 10lbs by then. I am looking for supportive friends on here that can hold me accountable as well! Feel free to add me. Thanks :)


  • kristicaras
    Add me! I'm in the same boat--figuratively--and need accountability friends. I'm sticking to 1500-2000 calories per day and committing to move 3-5x/week.

    Do you have a clear plan to lose the 10 pounds?
  • Eattig
    Eattig Posts: 12 Member
    I'm eating 1400-1500 calories a day and doing piyo 5-6 days a week currently. Goal is to lose 1.5lbs a week. I've been losing more inches than weight currently. But I will take what I can get! I'm on month 2 of piyo right now so have about 3.5 weeks of this exercise plan then will be doing piyo and t25 mixed plan.
  • SamanthaRMichel
    SamanthaRMichel Posts: 18 Member
    I'll add you!!! My goal is 1.5 lbs a week as well :) inches are better than weight right now bc it means you are shrinking down but gaining muscle (my guess) I want to start those workouts too sometime, how do you like PIYO?
  • Eattig
    Eattig Posts: 12 Member
    I love piyo! I feel so much stronger and am more flexible. It's a program I've been able to fit into my busy life and actually stick too. I've done t25 and insanity so the first week of piyo seemed really easy, but it definitely built up in intensity and I am sore after some of the longer workouts so it's working. I've noticed the most changes in my core.
  • blinknik04
    blinknik04 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me! I am also 10 ponds away from my goal! Trying to stay around 1300-1400 calories. I don't exercise much, but my job involves a lot of walking. I just bought a jogging stroller in hopes of starting the C25K with my son in tow!