Light activity VS active???

Im new here and I'm concerned about what my actual target for calories should be. I have used lightly active but sometimes feel hungry still and u am wondering if that is because I'm more active than I think.
I work three nights a week ( night shift already wrecks your body, I know). In the ER. I rarely sit and I am constantly moving. I have tracked nights where I've walked 6.5 miles up to 11 miles in a 12 hour shift. I do 20-30 minutes on my gazelle glider in the weekend along with some weights, and take one day off. I don't count housework or shopping and such as activity.
Any thoughts??? Thanks!


  • kmblank
    kmblank Posts: 43 Member
    I'm making an assumption that you are a nurse. I would say you are more on the moderate activity level. If you are feeling hungry then maybe change your activity level for a couple of weeks. With the additional calories you can see how you feel and also see if it affects your weight loss. I'm a nurse and I know on my work day's I don't get even close to my calorie max because I'm usually too busy to take a break. Things that I have learned is to have protein powder or Quest bars available to help get through the hunger because they are easy to eat at the nurses station.
  • cleriksen
    cleriksen Posts: 4 Member
    You are so right. It seems I have adjusted to my shifts, we are lucky to get to go to the bathroom, lol. I love my quest bars, they keep me going along with my one break I have my healthy veggies and lean meat and such. I will try changing it up to the next level and see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I normally don't feel hungry until I'm on my off days. Thanks for the advice!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Moderately Active is NOT an option in MFP that is talking about your non-exercise part of the day.

    That is one of the 5 rough levels in the typical TDEE chart from the 1919 study that also came up with the Harris BMR formula. Exercise is only discussed in those levels, but not increased daily activity.

    MFP is Sedentary, Light Active, Active, Very Active, and based on much more recent research that doesn't even include exercise.

    I'd suggest since Lightly Active is on your feet most of the workday (standing), you are likely Active very easily since you are rushing around, probably doing some lifting frequently.

    If that is 3 days x 8 hr shifts, then I'd count the exercise for makeup of the other 2 days not being work days.
    But if you are closer to 36 hrs total work time, I'd log that exercise separately as MFP was designed, and since on average you are doing more on those days, eat more as MFP correctly does.

    True shopping and cleaning is already included in there.
  • cleriksen
    cleriksen Posts: 4 Member
    Perfect! Thank you!