Hiya! 32 y/o with 40 lbs to shed



  • erincricket
    erincricket Posts: 26 Member
    Y'all can feel free to add me as well. I'm 38, a mom to 4, wife to one, and I cook a lot! That means I'm in the kitchen cooking for my hungry teens and I start to nibble, taste, lick, etc. I love to bake especially. I don't have any pictures of doom, but I turn around and refuse to look at my weight on the scale at the doctors office. I'm slightly obstinant. I do use the scale at home though. I have 40 lbs to take off, but 20 would go a long way to improve my self-image.
  • mariah0505
    It seems that i am very different from the rest of the comments buuut anyways im 15 (turning 16 in May) and i weigh about 128.5 lbs. and i am 5'5" tall. i used to weigh about 120 a few months ago. Im only 15 and starting to see stretch marks D: i am also a competive cheerleader and am in a weight lifting class at school so i do excercise a lot. However i eat like a pig. Or at least i used to. This weekend i had a competition and i saw myself in photos where you can see my rolls and its extremely embarassing to wear a tight uniform where you cant hide it when you're performing and you cant bare to see your action shots. We have a comp in vegas over spring break. In about 5 weeks, im hoping to be back at 120. Its going to be VERY difficult with a deadline but i know i can do it and i know that this goal is possible
  • Beachmama49
    Beachmama49 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Just happened to be wide awake and going through the community pages and looking for some like minded and motivated friends. I have not really taken advantage of all that MFP offers and have not logged in consistently, but want to! I belong to some great accountability groups on FB and have gotten so much support there! If you're a FB a addict, feel free to friend me...we run weekly and monthly clean eating and other challenge groups. Lots of great ladies (And LOTS of Army wives :smile: ) wishing you the best...you can do this! Please feel free to friend me here or on my FB page ...https://www.facebook.com/BeachmamasBeachbody
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    You're hilarious & I really appreciate your witty candor. :D

    There's a threat in the maintaining forum titled 'AH=HA' moment and your story sound very similar to many who responded.

    If you are able to keep up the enthusiasm & determination I think you will do great.

    Best of luck to you!

  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you, all that responded! 8th day in and still kickin'...person who agreed I was sitting like a man, you aren't supposed to agree! You're supposed to say it was a bad angle or something! Lol geesh. Thank you for all my new friends!
  • bethmeek27
    bethmeek27 Posts: 29 Member
    Oops it's my 7th day
  • tracycmrn
    This is my third day doing great so far and your pic is not bad silly girl the enthusiasm is great and you will do great
  • tracycmrn
    More supportive friends would be great also