Fell off the weight loss wagon.

Tipped the scales at 5'8 and 251.6 lbs back in August 2014. I have dropped to 203.2 lbs and have now gained back 5 lbs. My minimal goal is 180 yet my ultimate goal is 160. Looking for friends to keep me in check!!!


  • I know how you feel I'm trying to get back to 200. I have jumped to 230 and it's not a good feeling. I'm looking for support also maybe we can help each other
  • Juliarosemary66
    Juliarosemary66 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! Well done on your success! I have the odd blip from time to time and I find that re-focussing gets me back on track. I go back to logging and really watching what I eat and increasing my exercise really gets rid of the newly gained pounds and then I can carry on heading towards my goal weight. I was nearly at goal but have gained 7 pounds since January because I got complacent and a bit bored. Back on it yesterday and I shall make some resolutions for Lent to cut the chocolate and crisps out. I like to set myself small goals that are achievable fairly quickly to keep me motivated and on track. I joined MFP pal 2 years ago when I packed in smoking and have lost 5 dress sizes. I don't find it easy but I really don't want to go back to the size I was. Hope this helps! Good luck.
  • Thanks. I find that holidays are the worst. 2lbs of see's chocolate later... I did purchase a new bike last week and have rode it a few times so far. This might be my go to until I can handle T25 again.
  • theutahdesertfox
    theutahdesertfox Posts: 96 Member
    Congrats on the weight that you already lost! I have similar goals--I'm 5'7'' and my ultimate goal is 180, however the nutrition center puts my "ideal weight" about 165....I don't think I'll ever reach that, haven't been that small since college!

    Anyway, I'd love to be friends. I'm new to the adding thing but I'll see if I can figure it out.
  • kidral97
    kidral97 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm in similar boat. 5'7". I weighed 252 December 29th. I weighed in at 232 on Friday. Long weekend lol I'm back up 2 pounds. Goal weight is 200. Any support and motivation is much appreciated
  • Theutahdesertfox, I think we're in the same boat. Doctor wants to see 180 but the high end of the BMI scale is something like 168. I have an ultimate goal of 160 but haven't seen 160 since high school and 180 since college and I'm 33 so that should tell ya. Lol

    Kidral97, awesome loss! You're doing great! Keep up the good work!