Lifting as a beginner

I want to start lifting weights...where do I start?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    New Rules for Lifting for Women
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    You can start right this minute with bodyweight exercises.

    Tomorrow, join a gym or get a set of dumbbells from Dicks or Walmart for less than 50 bucks.

    Do 30 minutes a day of exercise.
  • ThePhotojournalist
    I have a gym membership, I just don't know what weights to lift or how to lift them.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe or StrongLifts 5x5 (which is completely free @ are good places to start!
  • eangel1023
    eangel1023 Posts: 14 Member
    You can get a lot of the information off line, but you need to set a base for where you are at now. When I got started I purchased the encyclopedia of body building which is loaded with good information (exercise regimes and proper technique). Using those workouts I was able to go from 185 to 215 in a year (added muscle and low body fat).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    What are your goals? Why do you want to start lifting? Answer that and we can give you more meaningful advice.

    Speaking very generally, get on a full body routine that you can do 2-3x week. Ideally, look for something that tells you how much weight to lift and how/when to increase that weight. An established, boxed program like New Rules, Starting Strength, StrongLifts, etc are all fine, but there are lots of options out there. Body weight routines are fine. Machines are fine. Free weights are fine. Something custom from a trainer is fine.

    Once you get a routine, learn the lifts/movements. Many gyms offer orientation sessions. Trainers can help. There's a wealth of info on youtube.