Who's hungry?

Mann...forget this routine and let's go for some pizzza!!!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    We're going to Unos for lunch. Trying really hard to resist those deep dish pizzas... 1750 could fit in my day but I'd have 165 calories left for dinner, and I don't think they are THAT filling.
  • elsongo
    elsongo Posts: 18
    edited February 2015
    Yeaha...I was only joking F27. Just keep it real here and keeping my total fats down and spiking proteins up!!! But here's an
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Just had homemade pizza and tonnes of veggies for roughly 400 calories so nope...not hungry at all! :)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I ate about a tablespoon of raisins to stave off my hunger for a bit because I have a couple short patient visits before lunch...
    All I can think about is what I have packed for lunch and how hungry I am. :(
  • Home made pizzas!?
  • elsongo
    elsongo Posts: 18
    edited February 2015
    Home made pizzas!?
  • Home made pizzas!?
  • Home made pizzas!?
  • Home made pizzas!?

  • Home made pizzas!?
  • Home made pizzas!?
  • I'm always hungry, I eat basically every hour or so. Meal times are like fairy tale stories to me sometimes.
  • elsongo
    elsongo Posts: 18
    edited February 2015

  • nice 611
  • jayne230360
    jayne230360 Posts: 5 Member
    I reckon I could make a tasty home made pizza that could be eaten on a diet.
    Then again, maybe not, lol
  • elsongo wrote: »
    nice 611
    Home made pizzas!?
  • AndreaWhite611
    AndreaWhite611 Posts: 54 Member
    Oh wait. I kind of lied. I didn't make the crust. I use Kinninick gluten free crusts (1/2 makes a decent filling pizza for me for 250 cal) and add my toppings. I don't go heavy on cheese cuz I dont really love it anyways.
  • I'm always hungry, I eat basically every hour or so. Meal times are like fairy tale
    I'm always hungry, I eat basically every hour or so. Meal times are like fairy tale stories to me sometimes.
    Fairytail? Lol like that one Dragon Slayer dude!
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    I just had a piece of pepperoni pizza dipped in Ranch. Coincidentally, I'll probably be fasting until breakfast.
  • EarthChick1
    EarthChick1 Posts: 3 Member
    I just had the apple pecan chicken salad from wendy's. I get 2 half salads. So I eat one for lunch and one as an afternoon snack. They're each 250 calories without pecans. Keeps me full and happy. Not hangry. ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I decided to not have the 1750 calorie deep dish pizza but the 880 calories ravioli lasagna stack instead. Was a good choice.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I am making spaghetti for dinner (my favorite favorite favorite) and I wish it was dinner time like, 2 hours ago.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    ^^^ Dinner time has been slowly getting earlier and earlier the longer I'm dieting. If I don't reach my goal soon, we'e going to be eating it at noon.