New MFP user 100 lbs to loose and DEFINITELY needs some friends and motivators lol



  • Sharria123
    Sharria123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Michelle, 27 going on 28 and I'm about 150 lbs overweight. I've struggled with obesity my whole life and I'm not depressed or sad over it lol I grew to learn to love myself. But I know for health reasons I need to take control of my weight. I suffer with PCOS which makes it even more difficult to loose weight and so much easier to gain it smh. But now I'm finally doing something proactive when it comes to my health journey. And I believe MFP is a great way to help keep me accountable. So please feel free to add me and we'll keep each other on the straight and narrow lol talk to you guys soon :)

    I wish you luck on your journey, and here to support you. I just got back on my workout game .I fell off for the past year and half but back on it now. Don't stress about it just take it one day at a time, and never try to go cold turkey with eating. Just eat small portions and drink plenty of water, and make sure to get cardio in a few times a week.
  • You can do it!
  • Hi I'm AJ I've set this up as I've need to lose over 100lbs after having a life threatening PE. My job is very sedentary and although I have two very active kids I'm not. I'll get support from my wife but but she has a BMI of 21 my BMI is 36 so I'm hoping to get support from people who understand what I might be going through when times get tough.
  • danielpagan34
    danielpagan34 Posts: 16 Member
    Down from 300 lbs to currently 215 it can be done. Wish I had this app and community when I 1st started. MFP makes it so much easier! Good luck. Stay the course and stay consistent
  • Slimthingping
    Slimthingping Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck with your goals id say make sure you have healthy snacks to hand when you need to, what's your time scale for your loss?
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    MEINDIA wrote: »
    Stay committed.... You can do it.

    jamie91203 wrote: »
    Good luck! !!! One pound at a time girl. U can do it!

    ^^ Yes. This is what helped me. I've lost 103 and am still working away at it.
  • zutana
    zutana Posts: 6 Member
    Michelle - I'm there with you!! Let's connect bc I'd love to see posts too & feel the inspiration. I'm starting at 270 so more like 130-140 to lose. I know it can be done just need to get on the right path. I've tried MFP a few times but fell off. I'm on a streak of 3 weeks consistently working out and now want a tool to plan weekly meals. I've learned that Planning = Success bc it takes away the unknown & falling into temptation. So excited for you! Let's do it!!
  • youtubie
    youtubie Posts: 102 Member
    I am right there with you girl!! Just started today and need the motivation as well. Hit me up any ol' time and I got your back! (*)
  • Michelle, I am 26 and was just diagnosed with PCOS. I'd love to connect and keep each other accountable. I've only been using MFP for a few days but I've been working out for a few weeks. I weigh 222, but am under 5 feet tall so technically I should try to lose 100 pounds. My personal goal is to get back to my high school weight of 180.
  • JunkFoodWars
    JunkFoodWars Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! Right there with you and many of the others. I'll be 28 in April and need to lose 150 lbs to get to my healthy/goal weight. I've been struggling for years now and I'm sick of being fat and sick. We can do this!!! <3 I've already sent some friend request and hope we all can help motivate each other!!
  • Hi phiquemadamne, I just joined MFP this morning. I just turned 40 and I need to lose 90 pounds. I hope we can be friends because I definitely need one for this new journey. Good luck on your can do it :)

    Of course we can! If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • MissFitAfrica
    MissFitAfrica Posts: 34 Member
    You can do it! It's a journey and every lb matters
  • I just joined (again) yesterday! I, too, would like to lose about 150 pounds. I've also been overweight my entire life, and my weight has crept up on me the past couple of years especially. Hubby and I are starting to talk about having kids and I know I need to get some weight off before that happens...for my health, the baby's health, and actually being able to GET pregnant! We have a cruise planned for November -- I'd really like to be a little slimmer by then. That's a goal! Please add me...I need the support! :wink:
  • Michelle, I am 26 and was just diagnosed with PCOS. I'd love to connect and keep each other accountable. I've only been using MFP for a few days but I've been working out for a few weeks. I weigh 222, but am under 5 feet tall so technically I should try to lose 100 pounds. My personal goal is to get back to my high school weight of 180.

    Hey girl I know the struggle! But like I said I'm here if you ever need to talk and we'll surely be keeping each other on track. Just take I t one progressive day at a time.
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    Congratulations, definitely a step in the right direction. Feel free to send me a friend invitation. We're all in this together!!
  • Body_4_Life
    Body_4_Life Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck... You can do this :)
  • I have lost 70lbs in a year. I still have 120lbs to go to reach my average weight. But i set small reachable weight goals just to keep myself motivated. You can do it. This will work.
  • cynnmarie wrote: »
    I have lost 70lbs in a year. I still have 120lbs to go to reach my average weight. But i set small reachable weight goals just to keep myself motivated. You can do it. This will work.

    Hi Cynn girl pray tell how did you loose 70lbs in a year??? Lol add me and we'll talk