Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 2]



  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Way to go Ladies!! Especially Blue team! Let's make this week even better!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    my answer--I have discovered avocados. People kept telling me to replace mayo with smashed avocados. It really is good!

    Oatmeal! OMG, who knew something so low calorie could be so filling? I say oatmeal is better than most meal replacement bars :-)
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Helloooooo ladies! I am home from holoiday now and pleased to be back in the challenge. Been a very difficult couple of weeks as I lost my Father to cancer and his funeral was yesterday, thanks to my partner Nicole for being so supportive before I left... I look forward to resuming our daily emails now I am back in internet contact.
    Well done to you all for the weight loss, I am slightly dreading my weigh in tomorrow, been nearly two weeks without logging calories and without the support of the mfp network, yikes!!
    Will try to catch up on all the news over the next couple of days when my feet have hit the ground!!

    Nikki xx (GO YELLOWS!!) x x x

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We love you and are here to support you. We honor the people who love us when we take care of ourselves!
  • gorgeousgunner
    Congratulations everyone, Especially my buddy Zoe and all you blues! :smile:

    Tuesday's QOTD: What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    I am really enjoying eating more veggies especially tomatoes for years I didn't like them but now I love them!
  • lesiaatkinson
    I'm so proud of all my DIAMONDS!!! :smooched: WE really do ROCK!!!!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    I think mine would have to be fruits they're so hummy and went they are cold omg!!!!!!!:love::tongue:

    And to Nikki I'm so sorry for you loss...
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    My favorite healthy food is probably nuts! almonds, walnuts, you name it :)
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Tuesday QOTD - new favorite healthy food...

    I'm going to say baby carrots and hummus - love it! Also, I'm loving the Arnold sandwich thins - especially toasted and spread with 1 wedge laughing cow light cheese.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    Well, my favourite breakfast is reduced sugar oatmeal - love it! Fills me up for just a few calories...I also love my 0% fat Source yogurt - individual packs (100 g) are only 35 calories...perfect for 4:00 p.m. snack so I am not starving when I come home and make supper...
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Congrats to all the Diamonds!! Keep it up Ladies!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?---- That would have to be the laughing cow low cal ice cream. I've always loved ice cream and this one is great and only about 90cals
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    QOTD.... My new favorite health food is Chobani greek yogurt! The added fruit makes it taste so much better than other greek yogurts!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Tuesday: My new fav treat is a banana with a tbsp of peanut butter smeared on it. Reading the replies I am going to have to try some Laughing Cow.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    When I began my lifestyle change four months ago I could barely jog one minute. Now I can jog 30+ minutes without stopping or feeling like I my heart is going to come out of my chest. And tonight I had a rather attractive (okay he was hot) guy flirt with me at the gym. It has been awhile since that has happened. :blushing:
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    Thanks everyone, and well done to all.

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    Mine would be almonds I didn't think I liked them but thought I could force a few down, turns out I actually do like them.

    @Nikki, I am so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you and your family x
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Way to go Ladies!! Especially Blue team! Let's make this week even better!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    My new favorite food is protein shakes mixed with a sugar free popsicle. Yum I also tried Breyers almond bar that is low in carbs but high in fat... They are so delicous.... You should try it!!!! I love all nuts now and my favorite is Cashews....
  • gorgeousgunner
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    Although I haven't lost much weight yet in lbs because I am being more active, people have started to comment how my body shape has changed which means I can wear clothes I wouldn't be able to before. I am starting to have a waist! :happy:
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I just had a NSV that really made my day.

    When I was in college I went into an adorable boutique. I could not afford the clothing, but I loved everything and the woman who owned the store made everything by hand (or refurbished old things). I tried on an adorable dress that turned out to fit me perfectly. She lowered the price, made some enhancements to it on the spot, and sold it to me.

    I LOVED that dress.

    Yesterday, for the first time in two years... I WORE that dress. THAT was an amazing moment.

    On a side note, I want to say thank you to all of you ladies. I am an emotional eater and lately with my bad hair days etc., I've been eating terribly. The old me would no longer even be thinking about getting back on track, but the new me is dedicated to you Diamonds and also realizes that her weigh-in can really make or break her team. So, today I am putting my foot down and doing what I need to do. GO DIAMONDS!
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    When I began my lifestyle change four months ago I could barely jog one minute. Now I can jog 30+ minutes without stopping or feeling like I my heart is going to come out of my chest. And tonight I had a rather attractive (okay he was hot) guy flirt with me at the gym. It has been awhile since that has happened. :blushing:

    Way to go Maria!!! Hot guys always make the trip worth it! :)

    My NSV's are slim and far between but when they do happen, I'm happy. Today my jeans buttoned without being cussed at---I'm going to count that as an NSV. Have a blessed day Diamonds and Go Blue Team!!!!
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I know I shouldn't but I have an old pair of jean that I spent a lot of money on and they always made me feel hot and now of course they don't fit!!! I hang them on the back of my closet door and every now and then, even if the scale doesn't move, I try them on!! Little by little I can pull them up one day I hope to get them over my butt.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    Well, I had a NSV this weekend. I always wearing big, baggy clothes - why wouldn't I? Who wants to wear something that shows every roll and lump - right? My husband hates my baggy clothes. This weekend, stretch denim capris were on sale, and I bought a pair and showed my husband. The look on his face was amazing! He said they were his favourite pants on me and called me his "hot wife"...really needed that this weekend!
  • chasekilgannon
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    Being awesome. *really don't have a good answer because I haven't run across the dreaded plateau yet....*
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    Running 6 miles without stopping.
    Fitting into a pair of shorts perfectly that used to be too tight.