How Often & When to weigh yourself?

So how often (once a week... once a month... ) and what time of the day is the best time to get on the scale?


  • JennCST
    JennCST Posts: 1 Member
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I step on the scale once a week. Because of my work schedule that day is Monday for me and I prefer to get it out of the way first thing in the morning while I'm going through the rest of my bathroom routine - brushing teeth, combing hair etc. I also do a couple of measurements with a tape measure before getting properly dressed for the day as well. Not sure if a specific time of day is "best" or not, but I do know I've read it's best to do it around the same time every time so that body conditions are fairly constant and you get a more consistent and accurate measurement.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Everyday, first thing in the morning. Daily fluctuations do not bother me.
  • chemlabdoc
    chemlabdoc Posts: 30 Member
    The most recommended is once a week. The time doesn't matter as long as it is the same time each week. If you weigh yourself daily even at the same time there are a lot of ups and downs. As long as you know that, it shouldn't be a problem, but it can make you feel like you are not doing well.
  • samfordbelle
    samfordbelle Posts: 25 Member
    I weight every day. It's just what I need for myself to keep me honest with my daily food and exercise. I start to get more lax if I only weigh once a week. Maybe once I'm in maintenance mode I will weigh in less often.

    I weigh first thing in the morning because I feel like my body fluctuates during the day so much depending on what I eat or drink.
  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    Every day, first thing in the morning. I also weigh at night before going to bed. The fluctuations drive me crazy, but I keep coming back for more.
  • 13ino13
    13ino13 Posts: 1 Member
    "Weight is largely meaningless as an index of fitness, health, physical attractiveness,
    or practically anything else related to human beings. Unless you are an athlete aiming
    to compete in a certain weight class, what matters is body composition, not weight.
    Body fat percentage is a measure of body composition. Unlike weight, body fat
    percentage addresses the all important question of what your body is made up of.”

    -Rob Faigin (an author I've never heard of but read somewhere and totally agreed)

    Now, if you're just starting to get into a healthy style of living, then it's a good place to start, so with that, I would suggest weighing in once every 2 weeks as soon as you wake up after going to the restroom. If you're consistently eating the same amount of calories every day and drinking the same amount of liquids, you'll get the most accurate reading at that time. As for the 2 weeks, it's really just a random number. Heck, you could weigh in everyday but you'll soon feel like you're watching a turtle run a marathon. You have to understand that losing weight takes time and you should pace yourself. Losing .5-1 pound a week is a good rule of thumb for a "healthy" weight loss.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Daily in the morning, after waking up and using the bathroom.

    I like data. Data is good. Data plotted on a graph with a trendline to smooth out the fluctuations is even better.

    I think if I waited to weigh in weekly or monthly, as some people do, I'd build up all kinds of anticipation about the number and be disappointed if the big drop I had in mind failed to materialize. With daily weigh-ins, I can put the ups and downs into perspective a lot better. Saturday I was down 0.8lbs, Sunday another 0.2lbs, this morning I was back up another 0.8lbs, etc. The overall trend is down. That's what matters.
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, first thing in the morning after using the loo. Usually Thursday or Friday morning. I occasionally check in throughout the week but only take the once a wk check in seriously.
  • jayla73
    jayla73 Posts: 21 Member
    What I do is I weigh myself every week. Expect when I'm on my period since I get bloated pretty easily. I always when I wake up after I've used the bathroom and haven't drank any water.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Every Friday morning at 0530, just before I have my first glass of water
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I step on multiple scales each week. When I get my scale in the mail, I will be weighing every day in the best possible fashion.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    I document once a week.

    I do weigh at numerous other times but it's just out of curiosity, it's not 'official'.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    As often as you like but no more than once a day ...if you're tracking weight loss then once a week or month is fine. I track fluctuations because I find the water weight adjustments fascinating and can go up and down 3lbs in 2 days due to change-up in exercise, sodium, hormones will send me up 2-5lbs or so twice a month. I like to have a trend line too so use with my fitbit ..there are others

    Best time. Morning when you first get up, after using the bathroom, before doing anything else and nekkid
  • I'd say as told by docs it's safe to weigh yourself weekly on same day 1st thing in morning. Like I weigh myself every Tuesday when I 1st wake up after I use restroom.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I look at trends so I weigh myself almost every day and add it to my libra app. I look at what my monthly trend is (which right now is going down...yay!). I weigh myself in the morning after using the toilet and nude.
  • nickinoo92
    nickinoo92 Posts: 24 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Everyday, first thing in the morning. Daily fluctuations do not bother me.

    Same here, I record it when it drops only
  • Kazzsjourney2
    Kazzsjourney2 Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh daily with wednesday mornings being official weigh day. weigh yourself first thing in the morning following a visit to the toilet
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Daily in the morning, after waking up and using the bathroom.

    I like data. Data is good. Data plotted on a graph with a trendline to smooth out the fluctuations is even better.

    I think if I waited to weigh in weekly or monthly, as some people do, I'd build up all kinds of anticipation about the number and be disappointed if the big drop I had in mind failed to materialize. With daily weigh-ins, I can put the ups and downs into perspective a lot better. Saturday I was down 0.8lbs, Sunday another 0.2lbs, this morning I was back up another 0.8lbs, etc. The overall trend is down. That's what matters.

    This. Exactly this. Segacs and I are pretty much twins when it comes to this subject.
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Everyday, first thing in the morning. Daily fluctuations do not bother me.

    I'm the same way. I actually like seeing how my body reacts to certain foods. It's also my own personal constant reminder to keep working hard.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Everyday, first thing in the morning. Daily fluctuations do not bother me.

    I'm the same way. I actually like seeing how my body reacts to certain foods. It's also my own personal constant reminder to keep working hard.

    Count me in! I weigh daily and I record daily. It helps to not only keep me honest but I feel I'm better able to manage and stay on top of changes. I've been doing this nearly 10 years and I've kept all the weight off so I must be doing something right. I tell people this works for me and what works for me may not work for you BUT it does work for me! I see a lot of people that say oh you should never weigh yourself every day but my years of success say otherwise :D
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    edited February 2015
    segacs wrote: »
    Daily in the morning, after waking up and using the bathroom.

    I like data. Data is good. Data plotted on a graph with a trendline to smooth out the fluctuations is even better.

    I think if I waited to weigh in weekly or monthly, as some people do, I'd build up all kinds of anticipation about the number and be disappointed if the big drop I had in mind failed to materialize. With daily weigh-ins, I can put the ups and downs into perspective a lot better. Saturday I was down 0.8lbs, Sunday another 0.2lbs, this morning I was back up another 0.8lbs, etc. The overall trend is down. That's what matters.

    I'm the same. The fluctuations don't bother me, as long as the trend is downward. I think weighing weekly would be more frustrating (for me), because what if the one day that I weighed that week was the one day that, for whatever reason, I jumped up 2 lbs, but the day after I was back down 2lbs and I'd miss seeing it.

    Edited to add: I like all of the data points, because it helps me see what kind of fluctuations are normal for me, not just day to day, but throughout the month. That way, when they happen, I'm ok because I know they're normal for me.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I weigh once a week in the morning. On Sunday morning I wake up and use the bathroom. I take my dog outside so he can pee. (I'm still in my pjs.) I come back inside and get out the scale. I place it in the same location every week. I step on the scale 3 times to make sure the number is the same each time. I record the number on the kitchen calendar and MFP. I then get breakfast and a glass of water and don't think even think about weighing for a week.
    Once upon a time, I weighed every day. It became negative and obsessive for me. I understand that daily fluctuations are normal but once a week is enough information for me to be healthy physically and mentally. I also take a photo and measurements once a month.

    So, whenever you choose to weigh just be consistant- same time, same scale, same conditions.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i weigh myself every morning after the bathroom and before breakfast. i only log it once a week though.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I weigh after waking and emptying my bladder. I record the weight every Sunday.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I weigh several days a week (can't help myself) first first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. I wear only my undies . Same conditions every time. Sometimes I weigh at night just for curiosity knowing I'll weigh less (hopefully) lol in the morning.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. Once in a while I do a second time if I just HAVE to know but, I actually don't even have a scale in my house. It broke a while ago and I was going to get a new one but, I know, I would weigh myself everyday and it's kind of freeing not to. So, I weigh myself at my 1st training appt. at the gym every week. For me, I feel like I already know, based on diet and exercise, whether I am having a good or bad week. The once a week is to make sure I'm going in the right direction! (DOWN!)
  • redwards555
    redwards555 Posts: 17 Member
    (*) WOW!!! This is fantastic! Thanks to everyone who has shared their philosophies on the subject! I have lots to learn... (*)
  • inthslif
    inthslif Posts: 96 Member
    Once a week. ....on hump day.! !!! Down 3 more lbs!!!!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    inthslif wrote: »
    Once a week. ....on hump day.! !!! Down 3 more lbs!!!!

    Imagine how much less you would weigh on a day where you don't have a hump.
  • redwards555
    redwards555 Posts: 17 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    inthslif wrote: »
    Once a week. ....on hump day.! !!! Down 3 more lbs!!!!

    Imagine how much less you would weigh on a day where you don't have a hump.

    aha ha, thanks for lightening the mood-- ahhh, I needed that!