Having trouble with portion control?

Does your food taste better when you're dieting? I find that when I am dieting, I'm hungrier when I eat and so my food tastes really great which makes me want to eat more and so it's harder to control portions. Does this happen to you? Sometimes it's better not to eat at all because when I'm hungry it is harder to stop.


  • Yes that happens to me and its bad i think the same thing to not eat at all because you can't stop
  • Yes...I think it has a lot to do with being more aware that you are restricting yourself. That's why I typically try to eat much healthier, cleaner, and keep it to low calorie options during the day and allow myself to eat a normal meal for dinner. It has worked for me, but everyone is different.

    For example, might have a piece of fruit or yogurt for breakfast, then have a very light salad with some protein and VERY LOW CAL dressing for lunch, and then workout, and then eat within reason whatever I want for dinner. As long as you don't go crazy overboard for dinner, you can keep it under 1400 typically. Granted, it takes willpower during the day. I don't mind it as much during the day though because I am busy.

    Don't starve yourself though...make sure you are getting enough nutrients. You can put a TON of veggies on your salad, and make sure you eat protein.
  • af_wife2004
    af_wife2004 Posts: 149 Member
    It depends on the food. I find after a couple weeks of changing my eating habits, I lose my taste for sweets and chocolate. Are you eating your calorie allotment? Is it set based on MFP or did you use an outside source like a nutritionalist or IIFYM calculator to figure your calories and macros? Do you fill your plate with healthy filling foods? I try to have 4-6 oz meat, 1/4-1/2 c beans/starch, and either 1-2 c fruit and veggies or 1c veggies and 1/4c cottage cheese.
  • I totally get you, because I I've been there before. The thing is that you shouldn't be starving yourself - whenever I am "dieting" I am constantly snacking and I eat every 2-3 hours. They're usually small meals like fruits, almonds or salads/chicken breast with broccoli. The trick is to eat healthy foods constantly instead of just starving yourself because that leads to binge eating later. :)

    In a day this is generally what I end up eating :
    9am - Oatmeal with half a banana/assorted berries, almonds to snack on
    10am-12pm - snack on mandarin oranges/grapes
    12pm - chicken breast & broccoli
    1-3pm - snack on half an avocado, almonds/nuts

    Whenever I feel hungry, or just feel like snacking I ensure that I have something yummy, but healthy to eat. Fruit and oatmeal instead of chocolate, chicken breasts and bacon instead of cheetos. :) I always look forward to eating the meals I prepare. Make eating healthy a fun, delicious part of your life, otherwise it's really hard to stick to it.