SO unmotivated lately. Help???

For just about the last month and a half i have been dragging. Ive been exhausted and stressed, i go to bed as soon as i get off work, and sleep in till the last possible minute the next morning. I keep saying "ill work out tomorrow, Ill log on MFP tomorrow" and once the next day rolls around i say it again. I was doing SO WELL for a while. My roommate and i started walking 4 miles a night, the weight started melting off. I just cant get motivated to start workin out again. And my eating habits have gone down the drain... :( anyone else in the same boat??? :(


  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    We've all been there, and it's ok. Just try your best to get on track. Logging on to post was a step in the right direction. Now, just keep it going.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I still log on and track calories, even if my choices aren't very good. I went from loving to run to being very unmotivated and lazy. Once I completed my first half marathon in February I got lazy.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I have been extremely unmotivated lately as well. :-/ I don't know what it is, but I'm trying to push past it.
  • alt24710
    alt24710 Posts: 1 Member
    Just take it one day at a time and try to do better than you have the day before. I've felt like this before getting busy with "life" and not making it a priority to eat right or exercise. Just keep your head up and look at the progress you have made. Take it one small goal at a time and get back to having better choices. You will be suprised how much better you feel physically and emotionally once you are back at it :) Life is all about choices and if we can strive to at least get some exercise and eat something healthy we are going to feel better and want to get back on a better track. Try to take the stairs more instead of the elevator, drink more water, eat more healthy snacks, etc. Also, you can break up a workout into 10 minute boughts and still benefit from it. Try your best to get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes each day on most if not all days of the week and do strength training at least three times a week :) You probably know that, but just wanted to help you out. Let me know if you need anything!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I have been there too.. you will get to a place where enough is enough. I guarantee if you start working out again it will help... Don't even think about it.. just make a plan to do it and go...

    It good that you posted here because you are not alone! It sounds like you are a little depressed. You are worth the effort...
  • jmaurer117
    jmaurer117 Posts: 23
    Are you still living with a roommate? Having a workout buddy/someone to hold you accountable may definitely help motivate you. Somehow I think you just gotta push through because I've been there - tired, stressed - and that's exactly when you need to work out the most! I find that it actually gives me energy after a couple days and DEFINITELY helps with stress/anxiety. Hang in there and start small even if you only squeeze in a half hour. Maybe longer days/more sunlight will help??? Best of luck :smile:
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Don't lose your steam!! Keep going! You CAN do it! :) Just hang in there. Maybe you've lost motivation because something you were doing before isn't sustainable? If your food was too restrictive or your exercise was too boring and/or rigorous, maybe you stopped because it just wasn't livable? See if you can have a diet that consists of food that doesn't leave you feeling deprived. See if you can pick up some exercise that you find interesting, fun, or exciting. If you HATE walking for example, maybe do your cardio differently (do you like dancing?).

    Another thing you can do to keep you going is imagine yourself at your goal! Remind yourself why you're doing this! Remember what you've worked so hard for! Also, scour the "success stories" boards. THAT will get you going for sure! (:

    You've already done so much by posting about it here. It shows that you really DO want to do this. You can do this, and you'll be such a great success story someday! Hang in there!!
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I have been extremely unmotivated lately as well. :-/ I don't know what it is, but I'm trying to push past it.

    You can do it! Keep pushing past it! :) Just don't give up. Drink a glass of water and get back on the wagon! You'll get past this valley. Just remember your goals. Remember why you're doing all this. Remind yourself daily! (:
  • tdy10490
    tdy10490 Posts: 6
    thank you guys so much for the replies. :)

    dakoerber - I have been a bit depressed lately. Not too sure why though. Just life catching up to me i suppose, alot on my plate.

    jmaurer117 - my roommate and i are on different work schedules, so he has started working out without me, I dont get off work till 7-8. Our walks last about an hour and 10 min, so he doesnt wait for me anymore. I dont blame him haha.