Pregnant and watching weight



  • JenS2009
    JenS2009 Posts: 65 Member
    Glad I found this discussion. I am 14 weeks with baby #2 and have gained about 5 pounds. I am already overweight to begin with, so I am hoping that I dont overdo it like I did with my first pregnancy... to add more stress, I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in my Brothers wedding FOUR weeks after I am due. How on earth am I going to lose a decent amount of baby weight by then? Planning on a repeat c-section, so no exercise for at least 2 weeks'ish...
    I have heard of Moms losing weight, in a healthy way, during pregnancy if they were overweight to begin with. Anyone heard of how or experienced weight loss during pregnancy?
    Hoping to hear some good meal/snack ideas during the pregnany to slow the weight gain and need advice for the second I deliver to start trying to lose! Sigh...