chronic pain

Looking for others who suffer as I do to make friends and help me get a routine


  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I have chronic pain due to my neck. I had an injury several years ago and now have constant pain and nerve issues in my face and down my arm.

    I've found that getting back into exercise (after not doing anything for several years post-accident so I could heal) has really helped me feel control over my body again. Without even realising it, I have felt like my limitations and pain have been ruling my life to a certain extent. Now I feel like I'm in charge again, and can feel strong, despite the pain. I can push my body (in a safe way), and improve myself... and honestly this has been the most important thing that has come out of my weight loss/get healthy journey so far.

    I'm happy to help you out and share my routines with you... or even if you just need an ear! Feel free to add me.
  • CathieCats61
    CathieCats61 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks I will