Snack ideas

I seem to be doing okay with planning meals but need some ideas for snacks in between that won't leave me feeling like I am undoing my day. Thanks!


  • dragthewaters
    dragthewaters Posts: 62 Member
    It really depends on what kind of foods you like, and what other foods you're eating throughout the day.

    Nuts of some kind are a good portable snack (they come in a lot of different flavors too, like wasabi and even can also get plain ones and flavor them yourself if you want). Cheese sticks are another common snack. Bananas or apples are very portable and about 80-100 calories each. GoGoSqueez applesauce is all-natural and there are a lot of different flavors, some even with vegetables included, like a miniature smoothie...they are about 60 calories each.

    Granola bars are good as long as they don't have too much sugar. The Kashi granola bars, Kind bars, and certain varieties of the Nature Valley bars don't have much sugar (5-7 grams). If you want you could also try making your own granola bars; it seems pretty easy although I have never tried.

    Cereal also makes a good snack, although try to get one with a higher protein content to stay full longer, and a lower sugar content of course. I like Kashi cereals to have as an afternoon snack.

    You can also have hummus, peanut butter, or tahini with vegetables, crackers, or pretzels on the side.
  • chriscruz83
    chriscruz83 Posts: 23 Member
    I do a banana 2 hours after breakfast, and a yogurt 2 hours after lunch!
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    For snacks around here, I have protein bars, pudding, those skinny cow ice cream things, and then the odd piece of chocolate usually. I used to have twinkies, but I keep forgetting to buy more. You can't go nuts with any of them, but for between one and two hundred calories, none of them put a horrible dent in my day.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Instead of so many snacks, eat bigger meals.
  • Cannotpickname
    Cannotpickname Posts: 9 Member
    Not sure if you're tracking for calories or macros, but here are some of my favorite snacks:

    - Mini babybel light cheeses
    - Hardboiled eggs
    - Carrots and feta/greek yogurt/dill/lemon juice dip
    - Popchips
    - Veggie chips (homemade)
    - Stuffed mushrooms (with light cheese, dips, ground turkey/spices, etc)
    - Cottage cheese, pepper and grape tomatoes
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    my go-tos are string cheese and cottage cheese. good protein and delicious!
  • trinityfire
    trinityfire Posts: 1 Member
    I really like prepackage servings of beef jerky. Handy to keep in the car, low cal, high protein. Jack links is the best brand I've found.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    hummus and veggies
    apples and peanut butter
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    -whole wheat/grain dry cereal 1/2 cup is about 100 calories.
    -fruit slices
    -string cheese
    -protein bars/ granola bars
    Im not much of a crunch snacker, between meals I just have a piece of fruit.
  • jlcarter1975
    jlcarter1975 Posts: 13 Member
    Protien shakes
  • My go to snack is 1cup Fage Greek yogurt, one scoop of chocolate whey protein. Since this is low carb and fat. I Add one banana to add carbs. And walnuts to add more fat. Awesome snack!
  • I'm bad... I love sugar and I love to bake. My weakness is Chocolate , candy and popcorn .
    I finally found a popcorn I can eat (Smart Pop), but is there any candy or chocolate low in carbs and calories ? or am I just dreaming?
  • ejuliano85
    ejuliano85 Posts: 43 Member
    So far, my snacks have been 100 cal greek yogurt w/ berries (mixed frozen or strawberries), carrots with Italian dressing, 6 slices of banana with peanut butter in the middle (and frozen), greek yogurt and peanut butter dip with apples, edamame, celery w/ PB. My coworker loves Quest bars. They are high in protein.
  • Arawra90
    Arawra90 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you very much for all the suggestions :)