Quitting beer and pizza

Hello internet. This sounds silly but giving up beer and pizza is actually kind of a big deal for me.
I realise I may as well be some American frat boy stereotype here but I am not. I run a bicycle shop and although I used to keep active through riding bikes a lot I suffer from a bad back which has made me get of the saddle over the last year or so. In that time, drinking a lot of casual beers at home with my house mates and buying take out pizza has become all too easy. I'm now almost 3 stone heavier than I was a few years ago and realise now I have to make a change.

I'm sure there are lots of other people who fall into this rut like I have. Bout time to do something about it though eh!

Anyways, hi, and good luck to all of ya trying to shed those unwanted beers and pizzas like I am! X


  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    how long are you planning on giving up beer and pizza for? The sound of it just makes me very sad for you. You can still drink beer and eat pizza and lose weight. Just work it into your calorie goal.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I literally just sent an email to the GF asking if we could go out for pizza and beers tonight. I will have a few slices and beers in your honor! Good luck!
  • _KrysGetFit
    _KrysGetFit Posts: 10 Member
    Wishing you all the best! I'd say start off by limiting it instead of cutting it out completely but seeing as how I didn't listen when someone told me to do the same with soda, red meat and junk food.... Well I'm no one to tell. Heheh. But please do keep us updated on how Well you'll be doing
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Wishing you all the best! I'd say start off by limiting it instead of cutting it out completely but seeing as how I didn't listen when someone told me to do the same with soda, red meat and junk food.... Well I'm no one to tell. Heheh. But please do keep us updated on how Well you'll be doing

    Ha!! I know, huh? I would think how wrong others were for saying limit the food instead of taking it out completely... one day it finally clicks into my brain they've been right all along... LOL!! :laugh:

    But whatever works for you OP!! But if you ever want pizza and beer, don't worry, eat some and it won't kill your weight loss. Just make it fit into your daily calories. :drinker:
  • Wow, didn't think anyone would actually
    Read that!

    Thanks for the replies people's. I'm giving them both up hard Turkey for at least a month.

    I love them both and will miss them dearly. I even had thoughts of that Simpsons episode when homer has to give up beer the other night. Ya know, when he sings that song..."when I was 17 I had my veeeery first beer". It was saying goodbye to an old friend.

    If I take out both of those things, I actually don't eat that badly. I downloaded this app tonight and realised that my normal eve of beer is actually almost twice worth in calories than I eat in a whole day! And I wonder why I keep puting on weight!

    Moderation is great but I don't work like that. If I eat 2 slices then I want the rest. If I have two beers I want six.

    Knock it on the head and let's see what happens!

    Might even not feel ashamed of my man boobs soon and finally start dating again!

    Thanks again for the replies! Best of luck to ya, ya fellow pizza fiends
  • That's the best thing to do is get rid of the things you love to eat. Before I went on my hardcore diet, I ate rice all the time (Asian family). When I stopped rice, that was so brutal lol. But it was good for me because rice is definitely not the kind of food if you're counting calories. Beer and pizza has more calories than people expect it to have (I think a pan pizza at Pizza Hut is like 2500+ calories so split that into 8 slices). I wish you good luck and you can definitely be able to cut it out. When you decide on cheat days, make sure you go get some pizza but maybe not beer lol
  • Thanks buddy.
  • lschifko314
    lschifko314 Posts: 25 Member
    Im more of a rum and coke kinda girl but me and my boyfriend eat pizza all the time! And it doesnt help i live right next to a little itlalian strip of resturants that all have very good pizza! We cut down to only pizza on friday night but he still grabs a slice for lunch during the rest of the week
  • I know exactly how you feel. I can take or leave beer and pizza but when I take some I want it all.
    I am new here and trying this app to measure and try and motivate myself.
    I lost a lot a year ago and turned fat to muscle. Then got a hernia and lost my motivation. I can see the pounds piling back on.
    I am in day two and determined to stop the slide.
    Good Luck
  • finalg619
    finalg619 Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck man it's hard but possible
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    There's always cheat days which are good for you to have every once in awhile. You've got to get it out of your system before you drive yourself crazy! Also consider cutting back slowly so it's not as much of a shock.
  • frankohare wrote: »
    I know exactly how you feel. I can take or leave beer and pizza but when I take some I want it all.
    I am new here and trying this app to measure and try and motivate myself.
    I lost a lot a year ago and turned fat to muscle. Then got a hernia and lost my motivation. I can see the pounds piling back on.
    I am in day two and determined to stop the slide.
    Good Luck

  • Sorry to hear that mate. I used to be in pretty alright shape until my back went. 13 years of bmxing and never stretching finally caught up on me. I've always drunk a lot but riding a lot seemed to cancel it out until recently.

    Oh well, no point dwelling on it! We all downloaded this app for a reason! Let's make it work! *kitten* the world and everyone else. About time we thought about change for ourselves instead of others!
  • TehMartini
    TehMartini Posts: 4 Member
    Best of luck cutting out beer and pizza! I'm in pretty much the same boat, it's all the pub food that gets me. You can do it! :grinning:
  • Hey bro, I know how you feel. I have tried giving up beer a couple of times, but nothing shifts. 3 solid months of no beer and the same eating and exercising and no noticeable difference. On the other hand, I like 'craft' beer and can easily sit and drink 2 bottles of my homebrew or a craft beer and not want any more...tho I'm with you on the pizza. What, leave a piece behind? Are you NUTS? Like others have said tho, I just don't tempt myself with that stuff. Our house is full of fruit and vegies and we do what we can to not buy chips and chocolate and other junk, that way we just don't eat it.

    Anywho, good luck, man!
  • OhSnap779
    OhSnap779 Posts: 71 Member
    Good luck to you. You can do it. :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I choose not to drink beer anymore because I'd rather fit a couple whiskeys in my deficit instead. And pizza when I for some reason have 800+ calories left over on a Friday night...and super nintendo. Oh man. Good luck, but I hope you can find a way to keep it in!
  • I know exactly how you feel. Moderation and self control aren't in my vocabulary. Yes. It sucks. Yes. It can be done. I dropped 40 pounds in a few months. Stay strong. Good luck.