One Month Later (Big Success Starts Small)

I have been reading stories on this thread and I got really inspired by real life results. I admire all the people who shared their stories no matter how small or big, every success story is equal in my opinion. BUT I would like to give a shout out to Nick aka Vismal as he is the one who really inspired me the most. Props to you man!

My story won't blow you away by six pack abs or a body transformation of an obese guy to becoming an Abercrombie and Fitch model haha! But rather it's a story of a real person and real life experiences and struggles and small success in is journey of making himself better. I am still under construction.

Anyway, I'll give you a brief back ground of myself. I have never been really over weight in my life. Most I weighed when I was still living back home was 180 and I am 5'11 so that's not so bad. But when I started running, I was compelled to lose weight to get faster. So I researched ways to lose weight while running.

I started calorie counting and I used a different app back then. I did lose 10 pounds and I was 170 at that time and wanted to lose more but we moved to Canada to live here permanently last 2012.

Below is my picture before we moved, I was at 170 pounds. I am the one with the 15 jersey.

Below is my picture last January 1, 2015. 220 pounds three years later.

One year ago, I was 210 pounds. I have decided to put an end to this weight gain. My doctor every time I see him for the annual keeps on telling me to lose weight but instead I gain weight. So I started running again but I was not losing weight.

That' s when I got back to calorie counting and discovered My Fitness Pal. Then I also started lifting weights for the first time and I started doing the Strong Lifts 5x5. I was losing weight and getting leaner and stronger at the same time.

Here I am squatting, doing Strong Lifts 5x5.

But one day, while I was getting ready for work, I pulled my back while putting my socks on. I know it sounds silly but for the next 4 months my life became hell with a painful lower back. I cannot even describe how it felt and how it messed up every thing that I was able to achieve in terms of gaining strength and losing weight.

Doctors said I need to give it a rest as nothing will help me but to rest. Well, even if I wanted to run or lift weights, I could not. My entire routine was messed up. I could not sleep or sit on a chair properly because of the injury.

Fast forward to today, back pain is gone but I have become the heaviest version of myself. Last December I have decided to put an end of this weight gain. Since my back is alright, I have tried running again. No pain, so I tried squatting with my body weight. No pain!

January 1, 2015, just like all the millions who decided to do a resolution, I made up plans on stopping my weight gain. I enrolled at a local gym and started doing 5x5's again. I ran on the treadmill. I bought a road bike and put in on the trainer and ride every day for 45 minutes.

Exercising while watching tv

I took a picture of myself on January 1 at 220 pounds and then took another one just a while ago. One month and half later after doing calorie counting, exercising, lifting weights, running, cycling. I am on week four of my 5x5 and still doing great.

I am just happy to be able to lift weights again after that back injury

220 pounds to 207 pounds

My line of work deals with insurance is very results and stats driven. They measure us through our stats and performance is rewarded quarterly. IF you don't meet the expected stats you run the risk of getting disciplined, worse, getting let go. IF you exceed the goals then good for you, a hefty reward is coming.

At work I talk to people everyday and I learn the things that they are going through. Private things that makes you sad but is a part of the reality of life and how fragile we are and how short life is. This made me even more realize to take this goal seriously.

I applied this to my weight loss journey. My stats are my calories, exercise, burned calories. My performance is measured through these things and my reward, is the pounds that goes away and the satisfaction that I get from seeing myself in the mirror knowing that slowly I am making progress.

So far after a month and a half, I would say I am successful in attaining my goals and even surpassing them. Because at the end of the day, time wasted cannot be bought back again and whatever you put into your daily goals, no one will benefit but yourself and your small victory turns into a huge one a month later and no one can take that away from you, it is entirely yours.

Sorry for the long post but I felt like I needed to write about my background, my failed attempts and realizations because many people out there I know are like me in many ways. We tried and we failed and we fell off the wagon but we just want to keep on trying. No matter what, the most important thing is that we never stop trying!

Before I end this I just want to enumerate what I have done and what I have learned and what I have regret doing in the last 1.5 months.

What I have done:

1. Religiously log every thing I eat, I do not have a specific diet or super healthy diet, as long as it fits my macros and quota for the day, I eat it.
2. Lift weights 3 x a week and run after for 20-30 minutes.
3. Cycling 5 x a week at 40 minute minimum (this might be too much but I just love cycling).
4. Write my weekly, monthly goals and check them if I achieved them.
5. Read the threads here even IF I have read them before, makes me fuel my drive to succeed.

What I have learned:

1. This is not easy, there is no short cut, you need to work for it.
2. This is a journey, a marathon not a sprint, be patient.
3. Your diet is more important than your exercise, you can run daily and lift weights but if you eat more than you burn, you won't see any results. Calories in - calories out.
4. If you can write down your goals, please do, it keeps you reminded and refreshed of what the end goal is since this will take months.
5. If you love what you do, in my case, I love running and cycling and lifting weights, it will be easier for you. The weight loss is just a bonus for me, the things I do, I do them because I love them. You must find something you love in order to be successful in this.
6. Life is short, don't deprive yourself, but remember, keep in check.
7. You got to start somewhere to get where you want to.

What I regret:

1. Going to parties where there is so much food and booze lol ( I am trying to quit drinking) messed up my calories, I could be 200 pounds or less by now if not for these things.

2. Not letting people know of my goals. By letting others who care about you know, you get support and become accountable of your actions. By posting my story here alone, I now am really psyched on getting this done this year as I know people will be waiting and watching. I think I'll go to the gym now.

3. Putting that damn sock on a year ago ( just kidding)

What I wrote here is obviously just my opinion and observations. I am no way saying I am correct or you should listen to me. But rather I am saying that this worked for me and is still is working and might work for you.

But the main thing is I just want to share what I am going through and what I have been through before in order to somewhat inspire others out there who are just starting out or maybe are stuck in a rut or just tired of this grueling but rewarding journey to losing weight. We all need to move and start and go forward.

I hope that in some ways I have helped or inspired you who are reading this. I will try my best to post updates every month and pictures as I want to be accountable in reaching my goals and at the same time inspire others. I have lost 12 pounds so far in one month and I have around 30 - 40 more to go. I have given myself one year to do it.

Good luck and thanks for reading my lengthy, mini success story! :smile:


  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Good for you! You wrote a lot of inspiring messages! Keep it up, your doing wonderful:)
  • yasmine334
    yasmine334 Posts: 187 Member
    keep the hard work :)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    You're off to a good start. Keep up the good work!
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Congrats on your progress!!
  • hopa9
    hopa9 Posts: 3 Member
    I really enjoyed reading about your journey. It really helped me put things in prescriptive for myself! Keep up the good work. We are all rooting for you!
  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    Dude I wish my work ethic and will power was as strong as yours. You cannot lose and I would like to see what you look like 6 months from now. You can't lose with that winning attitude and hard work, congrats!
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    You succeeded in inspiring at least one person! :) Good luck on your journey!
  • jgalexander902
    jgalexander902 Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2015
    Keep up the great work! I started Jan 1st too, so it's nice to know that there are others that are continuing to push on! (-12 lbs and now running 9mins out of 30 on the treadmill. I still drink wine;))
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Nice work! Keep getting it!
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You have come so far keep up the good work you should be proud coming back from an injury to continue exercising. Congrats
  • migueldabu
    migueldabu Posts: 11 Member
    edited March 2015
    thanks all who found time to read my post. I just want to share a recent photograph. Taken today compared to last November 2014. Still a long ways to go but I am happy to see the hard work I have been putting into this goal of mine.

    I got to be honest, it's not easy to stay within your calorie limits or wake up in the morning to work out. I failed a lot of times in the past few weeks but hey keep moving on. This is a marathon and not a sprint
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Don't let it get you down, just realize what needs tweaking and continue on full force. Keep an "after" picture in your mind for what November 2015 will look like if you keep going strong. :)
  • junestarrr
    junestarrr Posts: 52 Member
    Awesome work! You can definitely notice a big change in your arms/shoulders.
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