just a little advice please thank you

hi im joining my fitness pal today after been on weight watchers for last few month I just don't like it, anyway is my breakfast ok thanks my diary is open please feel free to add me I need support and your help and motivation would be great


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    its fine, but its more about your calories and macros for the day/week than one meal.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you've used 2/3 of your daily protein on breakfast ?
  • littlegemt1984
    is that a problem using that much protein on breakfast I have a protein shke every day
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is that a problem using that much protein on breakfast I have a protein shke every day

    no, unless you have problems with your kidneys, theres not really such a thing as 'too much' protein
  • littlegemt1984
    is that a problem using that much protein on breakfast I have a protein shke every day

    no, unless you have problems with your kidneys, theres not really such a thing as 'too much' protein

    that's ok then as protein burns fat as long as I stick to my cals and logs every morsal of food I should losse x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is that a problem using that much protein on breakfast I have a protein shke every day

    no, unless you have problems with your kidneys, theres not really such a thing as 'too much' protein

    that's ok then as protein burns fat as long as I stick to my cals and logs every morsal of food I should losse x

    no, protein doesnt burn fat.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    that's ok then as protein burns fat as long as I stick to my cals and logs every morsal of food I should losse x

    Logging food = good idea.
    Protein burning fat = false.

    It's important to get an adequate amount of protein in your overall diet (especially when losing weight) but it's not magic. If that is the reason you are using a protein shake then think again - it's just a liquid food that is a convenient way to supplement if your overall diet doesn't allow you to hit a reasonable daily goal.
  • littlegemt1984
    ah lol well I have had them for mths I find it a great wat to add fruit etc now thinking should I just go back on to weight watchers
  • Snoozypaws3000
    Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
    Sent you a PM
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ah lol well I have had them for mths I find it a great wat to add fruit etc now thinking should I just go back on to weight watchers

    no ones saying theres anything wrong with having a protein shake... just that it is JUST protein, it has no magic weight loss properties.
  • littlegemt1984
    I know that im not expecting any magic
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Don't quite follow your thinking regarding Weight Watchers?

    You don't have to pay anyone to lose weight, you don't need to eat "special" or "diet" foods to lose weight. You don't have to eliminate any foods to lose weight. One meal on its own is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

    You just have to find a way to eat at a calorie deficit over a period of time - that's your "fat burner".

    If you look for the "sticky threads" at the top of this forum there is some really useful information to guide you.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    ah lol well I have had them for mths I find it a great wat to add fruit etc now thinking should I just go back on to weight watchers

    Why are you thinking about WW beause of this thread? Illogical. Using MFP properly should involve you spending some time learning about nutrition and thebn applying that knowledge to make changes that will help you diet effectively and make changes that last a long time. Protein is fine, it has the advantage of making a person feel full and muscle repair, but there are many sources and not just a drink. Theres nothing wrong with your shake, especially if it works for you.

    As already said if you want weight loss then you need to start off understanding that you need to look at being at a consistent calorific deficit. Understanding this rather than accpeting a weight watchers system is imo better. Give MFP a fair chance imo.
  • littlegemt1984
    ok mfp gaive me 1200 as a deflect im 5 ft female yes 5 ft lol. im 9st 1 lbs lightly active as I have broken L1 TO L4 of my spine to relly hurts to do much but with 3 children I have to option. what should I be eatine cal wise please could someone help me. I need to get this extra weight off for me as an indivudal also for my health and fitness thank you so much you are all amazing on here.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ok mfp gaive me 1200 as a deflect im 5 ft female yes 5 ft lol. im 9st 1 lbs lightly active as I have broken L1 TO L4 of my spine to relly hurts to do much but with 3 children I have to option. what should I be eatine cal wise please could someone help me. I need to get this extra weight off for me as an indivudal also for my health and fitness thank you so much you are all amazing on here.

    Is that with a 1lb per week deficit?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited February 2015
    1200 calories is probably fine for you being that you're short. I'm 5'3" and I usually stick to 1250 plus my exercise calories. There's nothing wrong with a protein shake for breakfast if that's what you like. You just wouldn't want to do that for every meal so you can get in the right nutrients as well as some carbs and fat. :) Frankly, I find that MFP's default protein goal is too low for me (and the carb goal is too high) so I changed them in my goal settings.

    Give 1200 calories a try for awhile and if you find that you're always hungry, grumpy, etc. then you can always add more calories to your goal later on and just lose weight a little more slowly.
  • littlegemt1984
    no 2lb I said to loose a week I think
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no 2lb I said to loose a week I think

    I'd go for a pound, you don't have that much to lose, but you can try 1200 if you want, see how you get on,
  • littlegemt1984
    thank you so much for your help right well going to start tomorrow been a very busy day today and been racking my head of what to do but I know now mfp all the way going to cancle my ww supscription and head on with this thank again.