65lb to go anyone??



  • Hi! Yes my mini goal is to be under 200, I think it will make the world of difference mentally. Good luck and hope to share the journey
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    edited February 2015
    Im jenn, 30years young. Started at 242.8, now at 227.9 (started Jan 20 2015). No kids-yet
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sorry technical difficulties.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I weigh 229 and am trying to reach 150 so I have 79 pounds to lose. I am 5' 5" and just turned 50 in December. I just started bootcamp training and each class I think I am going to die. lol
  • Well done guys! Sounds like you're determined and doing really well!
    It's half term and I work out at home despite having a gym membership haha, it's hard when the kids are off though :/ xx
  • Snugglebutt2014
    Snugglebutt2014 Posts: 78 Member
    So what are people's temptations and how do you get around avoiding them? Also how do you keep yourself motivated to exercise?
    Good to share hints and tips :)
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi there... I started MFP at 264 lbs (Jan 2014), currently at 186 lbs. Goal weight is 132 :( (Ideal weight according to the doc)

    So, that's about 54 to go... Feel free to add me and we can see each other through this :smiley:
  • sjda123
    sjda123 Posts: 36 Member
    Similar position to you all. I'm aiming to lose 60lbs and would love to have more friends for support. I'm currently 213lb and 5 ft

    Please add me if you want support.


  • sjda123
    sjda123 Posts: 36 Member
    So what are people's temptations and how do you get around avoiding them? Also how do you keep yourself motivated to exercise?
    Good to share hints and tips :)

    Working out (for me at least) HAS to become a habit, like pouring my first cup of coffee in the morning - once you've done it often enough you know how it feels to go without. Not good. :wink: Food on the other hand is harder. Used it as a crutch for so long it becomes a go to. Hopefully the working out will curb some of that.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started last month at 250, as of this morning was 231 (i only update on mfp once a week on fridays). IDEALLY id like to be around 120/130 (im only 5'1, 5'2 if i stand super straight and stretch my neck LOL!), would be okay-ish with 150. I exercise DAILY cause i like to eat and only get 1200 calories BEFORE exercise LOL! because we're iced in right now, ive changed my setting for maintenance to give myself a few extra calories without gaining, but as soon as i can get back out will change it back. I decided to work in 50 pound increments because, at least right now, it seems more attainable. so once i reach my first 50, ill reset for another goal to keep moving it down!

    i do accept friend requests, but ask for active friends :P
  • katsmeow42404
    katsmeow42404 Posts: 13 Member
    we have a similair story to tell. im 33 and have struggled with being overweight all my life. recenlty decided to make a change and have been going to the gym everyday since 2/15 i have lost 4 pounds the right way. no cheating. no fad diets. and no diet pill which i have all tried and failed with. i have a 6 yr old and a 3 yr old. i also work full time night shift. I need to finally loose the weight and keep it off. i want to be able to keep up with my children....... id love for anyone to add me as a MFP friend. i love this huge network of being personal cheerleaders for eachother. we can do it!!
  • katsmeow42404
    katsmeow42404 Posts: 13 Member
    sjda123 wrote: »
    So what are people's temptations and how do you get around avoiding them? Also how do you keep yourself motivated to exercise?
    Good to share hints and tips :)

    Working out (for me at least) HAS to become a habit, like pouring my first cup of coffee in the morning - once you've done it often enough you know how it feels to go without. Not good. :wink: Food on the other hand is harder. Used it as a crutch for so long it becomes a go to. Hopefully the working out will curb some of that.

    Agreed. I have made the commitment to myself that i will go to the gym everyday for 30 days, which is very hard somedays and i have to almost give myself a little pep talk to get me to the gym. i work 3rd shift and have been going in the morning even after a crappy shift. i need to keep going so it becomes ingrained in my brain. that it become so natural for me, hopefully by the 30 days are up i wont want to back off a couple of days a week i will keep going strong and keep challenging myself. my temptations are sweets. i have found pintrest to be my friend in that way. I love the no bake energy balls made with pb2 and pumpkin breakfast cookies. really curbs the sweet tooth
  • katesback15
    katesback15 Posts: 18
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone!
    Yes sure we can do it! :D Difficult days we will get through together. It's great having such lovely support. The world seems to be filled with slim chocolate eating people, at least my world does, which leaves me feeling quite isolated most of the time as I tuck in to my fruit :D xx
  • Snugglebutt2014
    Snugglebutt2014 Posts: 78 Member
    Saw this and thought it a good incentive for us all For when we have only lost a pound of fat. 67y3ni8oejwl.jpg
  • That's a great bit of inspiration. A pound is a good loss! X
  • missnoli25
    missnoli25 Posts: 8
    edited February 2015
    Hi greetings from Malaysia.
    I just started this app and currently weighing 90kg. Need to lose 30kg. Lets be friends. We can share amazing stories.