Why is it so hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day?

anses Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I try, but by the time I had 6 glasses, I don't even want to see the water. :grumble:


  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    not all at once!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I bought an aluminum bottle and fill it 2 x per day and it equals 64oz....plus I use flavor packets which help!!!
  • chaines23
    chaines23 Posts: 3
    Try adding fresh lemon juice to your water it really helps change up the flavor
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    I use to have the same problem! I went from never drinking water unless I was dying of thrist, to going over my water intake for the day. The best solution I had was buying a 32oz Nalgene bottle. It was easy for me to drink 2 of those, rather than glass after glass after glass. I also now drink water at lunch and break at work from my bottle and it seems a little easier to drink a little at a time, than a whole glass.
  • jenharrio
    jenharrio Posts: 21 Member
    I have that same problem. What I have found to help me is to get a 32oz bottle and drink 2 of those. It doesn't seem as bad. :smile:
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    They suggest you drink 8 "cups" of water a day. A cup is only 8 oz. There are usually 16 oz in the avg. bottle of water. So if you drink a bottle of water thats already 2 cups... I find it quite easy if you drink a bottle of water with each meal you've got 6 of your daily 8, right there! If you really hate drinking it, try adding crystal light packets to it.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    It's tedious at first, but start slow and make build it up. I am now at 18-20 glasses a day and it helps tremendously.
  • When I wake up, I polish off 1 large glass of water (2 servings), and then I carry a 1 liter water bottle with me through out the day to have at work. My goal is to finish that before I get home (4 servings). When I work out, I drink another large glass of water. I've noticed the more frequently I meet 8 servings, the less it seems like it's so much!
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    I drink 64 ounces by noon each day and used to hate drinking water. Now I crave it. I have the mindset to use it to flush out all the bad things and get something pure in my body. Now I can't go without it. I have to drink my 8 cups by noon or I don't feel right the rest of the day. Make yourself do it and then it becomes a habit...a very good one!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    How big are your glasses? I try to get at least 8 cups of water. A regular sized water bottle is about 2 cups. So I have one bottle first thing in the morning, a second when I get to work, third at lunch, fourth with my afternoon snack (that's 8 cups), and then the water with dinner and after dinner are gravy. That's about 6 glasses counting dinner and after. Much more water than that and I feel like my bladder is going to explode.

    If I'm active, I drink more, but a normal, lazy day, it's enough to hydrate me.

    Is it the taste or lack of taste? There are a number of powdery things you can add to water to give it flavor as well as Mio? is a liquid additive. Personally, I don't like them, but I know many folks who can't stand water without them.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I'm not big on the 32 oz bottles... I love the 16 oz bottles of spring water. SO good. Plus, they aren't too big, so you can force yourself to drink one fairly quickly and get it "outta the way" so to speak. Then if you can do that just 4 more times or so, you've got your daily intake goal complete!!
  • chaines23
    chaines23 Posts: 3
    Remember that staying hydrated helps naturally boost your metabolism...think about that every time you finish a glass!
  • bigbluejim
    bigbluejim Posts: 10
    I use to have the same problem! I went from never drinking water unless I was dying of thrist, to going over my water intake for the day. The best solution I had was buying a 32oz Nalgene bottle. It was easy for me to drink 2 of those, rather than glass after glass after glass. I also now drink water at lunch and break at work from my bottle and it seems a little easier to drink a little at a time, than a whole glass.

    I don't go anywhere without my Nalgene bottle...I even take it on business trips with me.
  • jgreene76
    jgreene76 Posts: 4 Member
    Try buying an ice mountain sports bottle or any squeezer bottle. i think it's easier to drink water like that. My girlfriend struggles with drinking water and it helps.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I fill up my 24oz water bottle and drink from that. It has a straw and I think that helps because I drink from it way faster and don't even realize it. Plus it's decorated with my beautiful stickers and makes me HAPPY!
  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    I am really bad about drinking the right amount but to help I have the crystal light packets and I make sweet tea using splenda. The tea really helps.
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    I put the poison named Mio into my bottles of water and I end up drinking a bottle of water a hour with only half the normal dose.
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    HAHA... I agree!! I've learned that if I really don't "think" about how much water you have left to drink, it seems to go down much easier
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    i sooo agree with you!! i have the biggest problem drinking water!! ugh, i force myself
  • ericacaldwell
    ericacaldwell Posts: 5 Member
    i figured out a way that works for me, i drink water while im commuting to work. one 16.9 oz bottle in the morning on the way there and one 16.9 oz bottle on the way home. that way i get 4 out of 8 just going to and from work!
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