Back pain?

aladd2 Posts: 70
edited 5:36AM in Fitness and Exercise
My back has been hurting a lot for the past couple of days. It only hurts when I bend over real far without bending my knees or when I turn my body real far on either side, and sometimes if I'm laying in bed on my back. I'm pretty sure it's not weight related because I've weighed a lot more than I do now and never had back trouble until now. The pain is sort of in the middle of my back. Do you think I could have strained my back doing my workouts? And how can I fix it? :( I've tried a heating pad and I even laid on the floor and let my sister pop my back (that felt good, but the pain is still there)


  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    I have had back pain for 12 years (fell off a trampoline... long story... ) anyway what gives me the most relief is stretching. If you are familiar with yoga - 1) Cat and Cow pose, 2) Child's pose, 3) lie on your back and pull your knees into your chest, 4) lie on your back bend your knees and bring them to one side while bringing your arms to the other side turn your head to look at your hands and then do the same on the other side. These are just a few.
  • Nini_Soto_
    Nini_Soto_ Posts: 27
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