mbowman323 challnage Week 3 weigh in



  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Number 4
    Your BethanyCm
    Current Weight 250
    Eh..Gained 3lbs. :grumble:
    I only have15lbs to go
    I did Awesome on this mini challange...Im not a soda drinker :)
    Awesome job guys!:happy: Keep it up.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I only have 17.9 lbs to go!!
    I've been drinking a pepsi max per day so no i didn't participate in mini challenge

  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    I did not lose or gain this week, so my current weight is 142 lbs.
    Last week
    This week
    I still have 19lbs to lose! Yikes!
    I do not drink soda, so I did great with that challenge.
    I'm going to start working out again today. I threw out my back last Sun and haven't worked out since. So hopefully I can meet the challenge this week, we'll see!
  • 70
    Lost 1.2 pounds
    Current weight 160.6
    I have 17 pounds to go
  • john9795
    john9795 Posts: 21
    Current weight was 223.8
    I lost 2.7 pounds

    I only have 14 pounds to go
    I had 1 coke.
  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Current Weight was 205
    I lost 0 lbs

    I only have 15 lbs to go!!
    I did really well on this mini challange. :)
  • 79
    Current Weight was 145 (didn't loose, didn't gain...considering it's that time of the month...I feel grateful).
    I lost 0 lbs


    I only have 16.2 lbs to go!!
    I did not drink any soda on this mini challange.
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    Current Weight was171.4
    I lost __0_lbs
    picture of scale- will add tomorrow. Weighed today but traveling now
    I only have
    20____ lbs to go!!
    I did_great___on this mini challange.
  • myranda2888
    myranda2888 Posts: 69 Member
    Sign #: 55
    MFP SN: Myranda2888
    Starting weight : 222
    Last weeks weight: 219
    Current weight: 215.3
    I lost 3.7 lbs
    picture of scale (to follow tomorrow, for some reason my pictures aren't working on th computer :( ) Promise to have it tomorrow when I get MY camera back and not using my phone.
    I only have 13 lbs lbs to go!! (for this challenge)
    I did wonderful on this weeks challenge, seeing how I don't drink soda anyway :D
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    Current weight: 214.5
    I only lost .5 lb. :sad:
    I only have 17.5 to go!! :smooched:
    I did NOT do well on this week's mini challenge. :cry:
  • Katmela
    Katmela Posts: 21 Member
    Current Weight: 186.8 lbs
    I lost 2.8 lbs
    I only have 13.8 lbs to go!
    I did great on this week's challenge!

  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Current Weight: 140.5lbs
    I lost 0.3lbs
    I only have 17.5 lbs to go!
    I did well on this weeks challenge. Only had water and one sip of my cousins Arizona green tea iced tea.

  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    Forgot to do this yesterday.

    Current weight was 226.8
    I lost 4.8 lbs! (currently 222.0)
    Picture will have to come later. My phone won't let me upload it.
    I only have 13 lbs to go!!!!
    I did terrible on the mini challenge! I can't stay away from pop! I only drink pop, beer, and water!
  • jules_02
    jules_02 Posts: 46 Member
    Current weight: 153.8
    I lost 0 lbs
    I only have 19.2 lbs to go!!!!
    I didn't make the mini challenge. Caffeine from pop is my morning drink to get me going.
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    Here's my pic: IMG00040-20110509-0622.jpg

    Current Weight was171.4
    I lost __0_lbs
    picture of scale- will add tomorrow. Weighed today but traveling now
    I only have
    20____ lbs to go!!
    I did_great___on this mini challange.
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    Your number 75
    Your MFP SN TooFine4MFP
    Current Weight was 188
    I lost 1 lb
    picture of scale
    I only have 11 lbs to go

    No soda on the mini-challenge because I don't drink soda.
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