Vitamins, important?

I need some guidance on which vitamins are most important in a supplement. I am a 23 year old female interested in losing weight and feeding my body what it needs to be healthy. What should i take? I have heard that women should take Calcium and Vitamin D. I have heard that fish oil is really good for your heart. I have heard that zinc is good for not getting sick. Along with all the other vitamins and minerals that come in a daily vitamin. I have also heard that taking a daily vitamin daily can do more harm than good. Plus vitamins can be expensive, i can't go out and buy every one! Anyone have any tips for me?

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    at 23 if you are in relatively good health, get a solid multi. I like one a day.
  • Big_Dancer
    Big_Dancer Posts: 17
    I want to know about this too. I was told buy one doctor to take a multivatimin everyday, but then I also heard it can cause weight gain and rise in blood pressure (which happened to me after I began taking them, so I stopped). Plus there are so many different suppliments to take, I get a bit overwhelmed. IMO, I liked the adult gummy OneADays.
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I am also 23. I take a daily multivitamin geared to women who want to lose weight.
  • RProhofsky
    RProhofsky Posts: 32 Member
    check out

    Hope you find it helpful. If you have questions please e-mail me,
  • WildflowerAL
    WildflowerAL Posts: 41 Member
    You should get all your nutrients from food. With that being said I take a multi-vitamin daily--I figure it can't hurt! I use Sam's Club brand--it had good reviews. Make sure you take it with food--if I don't it makes me sick.

    I think as a female taking a calcium / vitamin D supplement can be a good thing. I went to a lecture once and the doctor said that if you weigh less than 127 you are at a higher risk for bone disease as you get older (you have a long way to go!!).
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Liquid Multi vitamins are great, because your body can absorb it quicker than breaking down a tablet. I like "Alive" by Nature's Way. And yes, a calcium supplement is great to take. Look for ones containing Vitamin D and Magnesium. Fish Oil (or flax) is amazing and good to take for your brain, heart and helps with fat loss (but it is not designed for that).
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    I just went to the doctor this afternoon about this very question. I told him I was on a multivitamin and talking calcium. He told me the multivitamin wasn't enough, and that because I am a woman, I need to have 2000 mg of calcium. However, I try to stay away from a lot of dairy, so perhaps that may be high for someone who has a more calcium in their diet. Dairy is my weakness. I also live in Canada and he said I need to have 1000 mg of Vitamin D. It apparently works along with the calcium to aid in absoprtion (I think?)

    Anyway, just thought I would pass that along.

    Jan 27, 2011 - 171
    May 10, 2011 -146
    June 12, 2011 - First 10K
    Goal Weight - 137 (June 20???)
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    I take Women's Ultra Mega and I really like it. I didn't like One a Day, it gave me bad stomachaches.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I take a daily mutl-vitamin, and flax oil for omega's because I hate fish oil and a daily caltrate with vitamin D for calcium. I also drink a protein shake after every workout. I drink Jillian Michaels protein shakes.
  • VictorinoDennis
    Remember a good vitamin should dissolve in 15 minutes in warm water. If it doesn't then your body wont absorb it.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    Apparently there have been new studies on vitamin D that show we need more than previously thought. My doctor specifically tested me for it and said 90% (or so) of people aren't getting enough. I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, and cranberry pills with vitamin C.
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    We are the most overfed and undernourished nation! In theory, we SHOULD be getting our vitamins and nutrients from our food sources, but sadly, we as a whole are not all eating clean and rich foods on a daily basis. I have cross used to track food intake because it also tracks nutrients to see what you are really consuming nutrient wise. As far as vitamins, I suggest Centrum as I have found that it really contains the best/most for your money. Fish oil (omega 3) is essential. Calcium is good, but should not be taken at the same time as your vitamin and can also be taken with a Vitamin D supplement. Most of us are D deficient or in the lower range of what is acceptable. In alternative health care, the lower numbers would still be considered deficient. Vitamin C is great because it is water soluble. You will essentially excrete what you don't use. If you have diarrhea (sorry to overshare) that you are taking too much! Folic acid is wonderful for women, especially for women of childbearing years...additional supplement can't hurt! I take a ton of additional herbs and supplements in addition to what I listed above... that's just a starter. Supplements can be expensive, but you can find inexpensive alternatives. Swanson's vitamins (google the website) is very cheap to order from. So worth it. I also forgot to add, B complex is essential as well! These all will help with weight loss too...
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    A good multi-vitamin (Centrum Silver and One-A-Day Women's, or any mainstream names) they are more likely to be free of impurities and accurately labeled.

    Also eat a piece of fruit and a green vegetable at least once a day. The brighter in color they are the more vitamin enriched they are.

    Don’t go nuts on vitamins, which it is easy to take to much of. Depending on the particular vitamin you will either store it in fat cells and it won’t do any good, or your body will dispose of it. Example of vitamin “B” is stored in body fat and generally is not used and just sits there. To much vitamin “C” is disposed of through urine. Noticeably bright yellow, that’s wasted vitamin “C”.

    Good luck in getting to your goals!
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    I take a multi vitamin, a calcium/D suppliment, acidopholis, and iron due to my specific issues. :) If you are not anemic, eat plenty of yogurt, get enough calcium/D, a multi vitamin should be fine. :)
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I am a healthy woman on no medications with no health issues, so my doctor only recommended a calcium supplement. With a balanced and varied diet, a daily vitamin is probably unnecessary. I know there are a lot of people who are going to emphatically disagree. Bottom line: you're going to get a large spectrum of responses on this site; I'd ask my doctor for advice at the next visit.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I take an adult gummy multivitamin as well as a calcium supplement (Viactiv generic). Ever since I started taking the multi regularly, I've felt healthier and like I have more energy. I take the calcium supplement because I don't eat or drink much dairy and I need the calcium because of a medication I'm on. I usually take two of the calcium supplements just to get up to my needed amount.
  • ktmcqueen
    ktmcqueen Posts: 81
    it's a very good question b/c I've heard answers from both ends of the spectrum. One doctor will say take something like One a Day, another will say take the multivitamin packs you can buy at GNC or where ever and some say that those can do more harm then good (like it did for someone who previously posted) and just to take a simple Flintstone vitamin. I vote for Flintstones until you can get a dr's opinion (and some of them are yummy!). At least you would be getting something good for you body. Good luck!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I buy all natural New Chapter vitamins, Whole Mega fish oils etc. If you check their site, you will find what you're looking for.

    I really have to start taking calcium and vitamin D though.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I take optimen, try optiwomen
    centrum are cheap because they are not as good and I heard they are vitamins that the body doesn't absorb very well (artificial vitamins)
    I was going to take animal pak but it was way to many pills a day and I freaked out, optimen is 3 a day with food. They are from Optimum Nutrition.