I'm Stuck!

Some days I am so diligent and on point, other days I fall off the wagon. And once I fall off, the day is shot. I guess my bad days are out numbering my good days because the scale is not moving. I am 45 years old, 5'3 and weigh 146.5. I've gained 15 pounds over the last couple of years and I feel awful. My weakness is food, I exercise frequently and enjoy it. I know the formula; "eat less move more", but I find too often that I eat too much and get depressed over it. I dont want to appear as though I'm whinning, I just feel stuck. I am looking towards the MFP community for support and advice.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Sounds like you could use a group of people to help you reach your goals, yes? Feel free to friend me and we'll chat! :)
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    Maybe try to plan in some kind of "cheat" everyday, so you don't feel so restricted.

    Also, why if you fall off with one thing, do you allow it to become an all day free for all? Just log it and work the rest of your day around it so you are still within your limits. Don't use it as an excuse to pig out.

    Perfection is not necessary in weight loss. Just consistency and accuracy.
  • Fitliz123
    Thanks! Great advice! I appreciate your replies!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    one day at a time! even, one meal at a time, if that is more helpful. I struggle with all kinds of things. the most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself.
    Next, be mindful of what you're feeling when you do stuff and how doing stuff makes you feel.
    Rememebering that you feel like crapola after eating fast food ( or whatever) may help you to avoid eating it next time.

    Feel free to add me on here! I log pretty much all the time, even when it's terrible. I suffer from depression and keeping track of things really has helped me learn some stuff.
  • kristensolomon28
    Reading your post, I couldn't help but say "me too" and well, for a second I was happy. I wasn't happy for your struggles, but happy I'm not alone. I love food and and have many issues when it comes to eating. Sometimes during weak moments I remind myself that I need to do something for me and care about myself the way I care about others. I can't say that it always works, but it does help with focus. I also think working out in the morning helps me behave throughout the day; this isn't usually an option for me but if it is for you, it might help.
  • AngelZealot
    AngelZealot Posts: 49 Member
    This is my biggest problem. I eat a bad meal and the rest of the day I just pig out because I figure I've already screwed myself. pplastics had a great response!! I am going to try to not just throw the whole day away if I mess up, but rather try to do better the rest of the day! You are definitely not alone in this struggle. We're all in it with you! :smiley:
  • Angiebaby8strathaven
    Im stuck too Ive had a really busy week with work n music and study n I havent been able to focus on it. Music always makes me hungry lol. If you need support add me and we will help each other. If you wanna eat something make yourself go out on the bike for an hour thats my theory
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I've been in limbo myself these last few months and can't seem to find that balance again to lose any more weight and so help me I have been trying.
  • raddishspirit
    I would definitely say "have a cheat day". Reward yourself after holding your hunger for unnecessary food. I usually use Saturdays to have whatever I want in one meal. Like dessert or ice cream at lunch or dinner.