Net Calories

I'm finding it insanely difficult to reach my net calories when I have a good workout. Today, for example, I burned around 775 calories working out, and my net cal goal is 1200. I got to 991 and I just can't eat anymore. I'm stuffed. Is this bad? Do I need to try to burn less during workouts? Suggestions are appreciated. Also, on a semi-related topic, what do you log your ab workouts as? I do Turbo Jam abs and I don't really see anything similar to that on MFP's exercise database. Thanks!!


  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    My first thought is to advise you to be very accurate in your exercise calories. Do you use a HRM with chest strap.......Do you weigh and precisely measure your foods so that you know all the facts for sure, good, okay!?

    Then yeah - maybe you do need to burn less, it is hard to know - your diary is closed and so it is hard to give specific advice.

    Generally though, if you now you are going to workout and you also know that it will result in a big burn, then plan for it and spread those calories through out the day so you are not so stuffed. (believe me I speak from the experience of being a newbie with tummy aches for a week trying to figure this out ;-)

    ab workouts - you can log it as calories burned if have a heart rate monitor that shows elevated heart rate and thus calories burned. If not, there is a calisthenics category i think?

    Best of luck!
  • bruceseverson
    Depending on when you do your workout, try to adjust your Calorie intake to balance more. For example, if you can work out in the late morning or early afternoon, try to eat about 1/2 of your daily Calories for breakfast, have a light lunch, and then the rest for dinner. That way you will have the energy you need for your workout, without feeling stuffed at dinner trying to make up for your daily requirement. Also, as long as your TOTAL Calorie intake is at least 1200 Calories, you will not necessarily have any major problems if your NET Calories go below 1200 for the day. As long as the Net is not too low, it just means you will lose weight a little faster, and you might have a bit less energy for an extremely strenuous workout, so you might need to carry a healthy protein bar to your workout with you. I have been trying to keep my Calorie count less than what MFP goal is, so that I can lose weight faster than the 2 pounds per week that they suggest, but I am working under doctor supervision and with 2 trainers in a weight loss challenge. Feel free to friend me if you would like to see my food diary for more details.

    Good luck!


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Thanks!! I don't have a HRM yet, but it's definitely on my list because I'm not 100% confident in the numbers MFP is giving me as far as workouts are concerned. I do measure my food pretty accurately, though, so it's just a matter of being precise about workout numbers. I workout in the mid-late morning and generally have some cereal or a Slimfast bar for breakfast because I'm not hungry in the morning. Lunch is usually pretty light, too, because working out suppresses my appetite. Generally speaking, most of the calories I consume are from mid afternoon and on. I think I need to work on balancing that..maybe train my body to eat more at breakfast or a post-workout snack? Thanks again!