Starving after working out

Hi everyone
I have been eating healthy, exercising and losing weight for awhile now, and I am having slow but steady I am doing something right. However, lately, I feel extra hungry on days when I exercise. To the point where I have trouble controlling what I put in my mouth in the afternoon (I exercise in the morning). I know this is a normal response to exercise, but I am not sure why it seems so much stronger than before.

Anyways, what does everyone here eat to fuel them healthily, while keeping you full and in check following a workout? I don't aim to eat back my exercise calories per say, but I do allow some extra on days when I do hit the gym.



  • minionman
    minionman Posts: 308 Member
    I eat anything that agrees with my body. Sometimes I'll grab an apple for a quick boost of energy, or I'll have supper alittle earlier as well if it's at all possible. Some greek yogurt is good, with strawberries and a little bit of whip cream( got that from te hodgetwins) is a good snack, keeps you full for a while.
  • MonaRN81
    MonaRN81 Posts: 20 Member
    I think eating supper earlier may actually be a really good idea! I usually eat once the kids are in bed, after 7.....but on exercise days I find it hard not to nibble from their plates while feeding them supper. Or at least schedule a well planned snack at that time.
  • minionman
    minionman Posts: 308 Member
    Both very good ideas.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    Depends on what I'm doing and how long. I am into triathlon so many of my workouts are long periods of cardio. I can have the same issue of wanting to eat everything in sight. I find that fueling properly before and after a workout needs to include protein and fat. Longer workouts of 90 minutes or more I usually have an orange or banana which helps me feel less ravenous after my workout.

    Whatever you eat after your workout you should drink plenty of water and allow your body time to absorb what you've eaten before you eat more.
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I eat several small meals a day. Plus after workouts I crave protein, so I drink a protein shake (about 20grams) and this satisfies me and takes away my cravings and hunger. Are you eating enough protein? If I don't get enough protein I can literally eat and eat and NOTHING will hit the spot, it's like I haven't eaten anything.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Ice cream or bagels usually does the trick for me.
  • Yeah I was that way when I first started exercising, but it went away after awhile.
  • ssigmond
    ssigmond Posts: 13 Member
    Eat up!!
  • shaunroberts
    shaunroberts Posts: 94 Member
    Protein shake made with water for me. Usually fills me up enough to take the craving away while giving me almost my daily requirement of protein.

    My go to snack when I'm picking is celery. Yeh Yeh I know boring. But it fills me up till meal time, has very little calories and is a good source of vitamins and dietary fibre. And too be honest I quite enjoy it!

  • skinnynat1
    skinnynat1 Posts: 32 Member
    refueling your body after workout is good i drink shakeology after a workouts