Has this happened to anyone...

I have been watching my calories and not going over at all. But for the past couple of days I have been gaining weight. And llike almost a pound a day. I'm wondering what I might be doing wrong. It's not my time of the month or anything. I'm just getting really frustrated. Please help!



  • Spruitt57
    Spruitt57 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been watching my calories and not going over at all. But for the past couple of days I have been gaining weight. And llike almost a pound a day. I'm wondering what I might be doing wrong. It's not my time of the month or anything. I'm just getting really frustrated. Please help!

  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Maybe you are eating some hidden calories or you could just be working out and your muscles are growing.

    And plus you shouldnt be weighing yourself every single day and if you do, don't listen to it. :laugh:

    Your weight changes every day and I would go crazy if I followed a daily weigh-in. Water counts as weight too and all a scale shows you is your weight at the present moment.

    Try weighing in once a week, at the same time (morning after your bathroom duties) and before breakfast.

    I am sure it will be more consistent.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Also if you are working out you maybe gaining muscle. Also remember you need to count everything you put in your mouth. I know some people don't agree, but if you take a bite of cake or eat a hershey's kiss you need to count that also ketchup and other things that you add to your food. All those little things count.

    I'm a firm believer of weighing yourself once a week. Otherwise it will drive you crazy.
  • heathercherise
    Yes, it is happening to me as well. My diet started off pretty good, I lost 2 1/2 pounds right off and I have stayed true to my calorie limit and have done even more exercise than I initially agreed to. And I have gained the weight back in just a matter of days.
    I know a couple of pounds doesn't seem like much, but how can I move forward when I keep going backwards...

    I am just trying to stay focused and keep doing what I'm doing. I hope that in another week or so I'll see the weight coming off again, and maybe this time it will stay off.

    Good luck to you as well.
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    That has to be water weight! (Unless you've really binged the last couple of days and you're eating 3500 calories in addition to the calories that you are allowed.) Also, you could be building muscle and it might take a few days for your body to catch up with your body's new density. Keep it up and you'll see those pounds come off.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Keep an eye on your sodium intake - just in case it is water retention.

    Some of the best diet foods are processed and loaded with salt..

    Muscle may be increasing, especially if you are working out.

    How do your clothes fit? Sometimes that is a better indication.

    Also agree with dulceluva - weighing in every day will just drive you nuts..

    Good luck.. Janie
  • Newmein08
    Another thing your need to watch out for is sending your body into starvation mode. Don't cut your calories too much. If your body gets the idea that you are not going to get enough to eat it will slow your metabolism to the point where you really have to jump start it. This happened to me years back when I tried Nutri System.
    Everybody's system will be different, you have to listen to it and make adjustments. Make sure to incorporate your cardio along with resistance training. I hope this helps:smile:
  • newstart
    I`ve been very good, working out and counting calories and even have to eat extra to make my daily requirements ...I have the proof that things are working as I`m losing inches but yet I gain a lb ..I just go by the measurements..
    If you haven`t taken any, I sugest you do it will help you see results.
    I just measure my waist, hips, thigh and chest.
    I`ve actually lost 9inches total since jan 2nd 2007, so something must be working.