


  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    I tried MFP months ago while BF and couldn't lose weight...although I now realize I wasn't eating healthy and just saving my calories for one meal mostly. Now I have just started again and taking all this into consideration. I'm trying to meet all the nutrition requirements instead of just calories...I tried other weight loss means to and it seemed to not matter how many cals I ate or how much I exercised I couldn't lose the weight. And I was ravenous. Hopefully I can now.

    Seems like you all were/are able to lose weight while BF...wondering if there are anymore like me out there?
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I am still breastfeeding too my daughter is 30 months old or 2 & 1/2 ! I have been at this since January join the site at the end on March and so far only lost a pound ! I do not add the calories since I was not seeing a change ! I seem to do better when I drink alot of water ! I am really not sure if she is even getting any milk . I ask her & she says yes ! I never pumped with this one I am a stay at home mommy and am always running or fighting with them so never had enough time to do that for this one ! I BF all three of my children and my oldest that is 16 is my step daughter that we have full custudy off since I was 23 and she was 5.
  • modestguineapig
    modestguineapig Posts: 23 Member
    I'm brand new to this site also and was wondering the same. Would it work to keep your calorie intake goal the same and just add an exercise "breastfeeding" as 250 calories (conservative estimate for 6 month old with 2 solid "meals" a day)?
  • mvanwey
    mvanwey Posts: 5
    the rule of thumb is 20 calories per ounce produced, so its really easy if you just pump, but a little more difficult if you are just a nurser. i do both since i work as a RN. i burn about 600-750 calories/day! i add back in 500 calories to my daliy cal intake !
  • PositiveMummy
    I bf my 4 month old and just put -200 for bf into snacks, then I try and make sure I eat all my allowed calories (my normal is 1200). My milk is fine and she seems happy, I've lost 14lbs in just over 3 weeks :) She is also now having a little bit of baby rice for tea as well as her normal feeds. I LOVE breastfeeding and wouldnt ever want to risk her milk not being good enough, but I have no worries so am gonna keep going!