
OK, so I have the calories you are supposed to or you consume in a day. So when you exercise, you burn calories and they appear to be added back into your calorie count on this app. Do you consume all of those, some or none?? Please help


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited February 2015
    Some, is suggested. The calories can be over estimations. You should eat some calories back if you're exercising and your activity level is set correctly.
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    I based my calories on trail and error over a 6 months or so until i found my self loosing weight, Kind of followed TDEE -20%

    Then i set custom cals and macros in MFP.

    I do not eat any exercise cals back

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    mshum74 wrote: »
    OK, so I have the calories you are supposed to or you consume in a day. So when you exercise, you burn calories and they appear to be added back into your calorie count on this app. Do you consume all of those, some or none?? Please help
    If you are using MFP the way it is intended, then yes, you are supposed to eat them back, or at least some of them.

    Your daily goal has you at a deficit before exercise - meaning you could eat to goal every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. This is because whatever your goal is set to is less than what your body naturally burns in a 24 hour period - sleeping, working, folding laundry, shopping, whatever.

    When you exercise and burn off more cals, then you are creating a much larger deficit - too large, which can come back to bite ya in the long run. Food is fuel - the burned cals are added back in, and your daily NET cals at the end of the day should be or very near your original goal. You're still in a deficit, you still lose weight, but with a well fueled and happy body that is ready for your next workout.
  • Thank you all for your help! :)