New to this

Hi my name is Katherine. I am new to this program/app and so far it's been going okay. I'm very recently single and wanting to heal emotionally, spiritually, and physically from my ex. And my physical healing is getting healthy. I need to lose 40 lbs and any advice or encouraging is much appreciated.


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Good luck! I have definitely been there. <3

    Have you found the fitness activities that lift you up yet? If not, I recommend finding what you love and working on building it into a habit.

    I recently completed Yoga with Adriene's 30 day yoga challenge, and am starting up Blogilates using the Beginner 2.0 calendar. The trainer, Cassey Ho, is super positive and just a joy to work out with, and the best part is, she does up calendars with different videos for every day... forever. I love that, and am really excited. And sore. (I'm only on Day 4.) (Both these things are free btw.)

    I'm already much stronger and more flexible than I was before I began. But mostly, it's chasing away my depression and making me feel not only like myself again, but excited, optimistic, hopeful. I look forward to things again, and I have more energy again for everything else.

    Whatever you choose to do, make sure it makes you feel awesome. (And give new things a chance -- the first time I ever tried yoga, I didn't like it, and now I can't imagine not doing it. So look around, try different classes/trainers/styles/activities.)

    Feel free to add me if you like! I'm only working on the fitness right now, but I'm at it every day. :)
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the message boards here. But not new to healthy eating and weightloss.

    My best tip is to remember that the weight isn't going to come off overnight. So don't be frustrated if your losses are slower than you would like. Take it one day at a time.

    Best of luck to you in your new lifestyle and new beginning!
  • Hi there...have been using this app for about 2 months. I am watching my weight fluctuate over time and I am starting to figure out small patterns I fall into that make these changes occur. (I am trying to lose about 50-60lbs. So far I count 10lbs technically lost but my profile begs to differ.)
    Stress seems to be a common pattern. A personal trainer once asked me if I was an emotional eater. I said I wasn't but now I think I was in denial.
    With all that said, I really want to utilize this site to the fullest to help me become the healthiest and strongest that I can. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am also looking for encouragement and advice.
  • I'm new to this site (1wk) and my first time posting but i find how much support there is. "Dieting" just plain sucks and to me i just want to feel good about my body and make it a lifestyle change not a diet. Add me as your friend and we're all in this together....
  • NNJM1
    NNJM1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Natalee new to this board message, and currently I'm trying to loose 34lbs, after having my second son it seems like nothing that i try works. Instead of loosing weight i keep on putting it on. My doctor told me that i need to loose the weight as it is contributing to my ill health. So here i go again. Hopefully, i can keep up and be motivated to go to the end. I am currently doing Leslie Sansone 3Mile, Gilad Aerobic. So any little motivation could help, right about now.