Doing what I should be doing but don't see it on the scale!

I am following my calorie intake and exercising 6 days a week... but don't see it on the scale. I have lost about 1.8 pounds and its been about 11 days logging in. Of courses valentine's weekend I didnt work out and did not eat like I should have been eating. This week I am on my period and weighed myself with my quantum scale and showed that I lost 1.4 pounds instead of the 1.8 it said last Saturday. I feel like I am just not accomplishing anything and need to control my cravings more especially if I want to loose weight! Help!


  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    Why don't you read one of the million forums already created about how weight loss isn't linear and what water and periods do to weight and what a good rate of weight loss is and then come back if you still have questions?
  • anandhi321
    Thank you for your reply, but you dont have to be so rude when replying.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    anandhi321 wrote: »
    I am following my calorie intake and exercising 6 days a week... but don't see it on the scale. I have lost about 1.8 pounds and its been about 11 days logging in. Of courses valentine's weekend I didnt work out and did not eat like I should have been eating. This week I am on my period and weighed myself with my quantum scale and showed that I lost 1.4 pounds instead of the 1.8 it said last Saturday. I feel like I am just not accomplishing anything and need to control my cravings more especially if I want to loose weight! Help!

    If it's only been 11 days then it's still too early to tell whether or not your routine is working. Our bodies have a tendency to freak out a little and store extra water weight when we change our diet and exercise routines.

    Additionally, if you've just started your period then it's even more likely that your body is storing additional water. That's really common during that TOM and a lot of women choose not to weigh around their periods.

    Additionally additionally, you've lost 1.4 pounds in 11 days. That's honestly really good progress. Try to focus on the weight that you have lost even if it's not as much as you want it to be.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    1.8 pounds in under two weeks is awesome!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Don't expect immediate changes in your body. You didn't become overweight overnight and you won't lose it quickly either.

    You have had progress so just stick with it! When the body gets bombarded with new stress from exercise it protects itself with water, that adds weight. When you are on your monthly cycle, that adds weight.

    Were you exercising at all before you decided it would be a great time to start a healthy lifestyle, lets work out 6 days a week? If no....your body is in shock - give it time to adjust.

    Come back in 4 weeks (only weigh yourself 1x per week, pick a day and weigh as soon as you wake up and after you've gone to the bathroom) and let us know if you feel that same as you do now.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited February 2015
    lcooper327 wrote: »
    Why don't you read one of the million forums already created about how weight loss isn't linear and what water and periods do to weight and what a good rate of weight loss is and then come back if you still have questions?

    A bit harsh, if true. I personally answer this question a couple of times a day. This tone has the effect of driving people away not helping them to learn, though.

    OP, it's too soon to start freaking out yet. Plus, most of us retain water around that time of the month so it can skew the scale. The others who have said that our bodies use water to repair our muscles after a strenuous workout are also right. Take a deep breath and keep doing what you're doing.

    Weight loss isn't linear. The number on the scale bounces around from day to day and hour to hour as we drink, eat, eliminate waste, water gets retained from exercise, excess sodium, etc. If you can't handle the ups and downs on the scale without getting upset (and a lot of people can't), weigh less often so you're only seeing the average and not the little fluctuations.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    anandhi321 wrote: »
    I am following my calorie intake and exercising 6 days a week... but don't see it on the scale. I have lost about 1.8 pounds and its been about 11 days logging in. Of courses valentine's weekend I didnt work out and did not eat like I should have been eating. This week I am on my period and weighed myself with my quantum scale and showed that I lost 1.4 pounds instead of the 1.8 it said last Saturday. I feel like I am just not accomplishing anything and need to control my cravings more especially if I want to loose weight! Help!

    When you have PMS/your period, you have hormones making you hungrier than usual, as well as bloat/water weight. Don't beat yourself up because you'll be back on track in a few days. Congrats on your loss so far!

    Besides, loss isn't linear. I swear I go up a pound the day after I hit a new low. The human body is unruly.