Help please

I'm having the worst day with not eating properly. It seems almost bottomless. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. I've been too good too long to go off now! hELP me please


  • pagefan
    pagefan Posts: 31 Member
    take a deep breathe. Be mindful drink a sh** load of water !! determine WHY and try to move through it..!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I hate days like that! For me, they are often triggered by a day of intense exercise the day before, say a 10 mile run. If it's really bad I'll usually just give in, try to keep my food choices as low calorie as I can and then try to eat a little less the next day to help compensate. You already have a deficit built into your calorie goal. If it's a really bad day there's nothing wrong with eating at maintenance that day, you just may not lose quite as much weight at the end of the week. Doing that every once in awhile isn't going to really hurt your progress and sometimes that's better than feeling guilty over eating just a bit more.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Do something else to distract you from wanting to eat.
  • ruth14213
    ruth14213 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Sue and sega and page