For the Millionth Time....

I'm starting yet another effort to lose weight and exercise. :)

My name is Betsy, I'm 54, live in Altamonte Springs , FL and have been obese my whole life. My knees, hips and muscular structure are at the weakest point I've ever experienced. I am out of breath just walking from room to room.

Just started tracking my food this morning with myfitnesspal. While I can see what I eat when I enter it into the program, I'm wondering if the program analyzes the entries over a week's time or a month's time and says "hey, try changing this or that". Leaving the analyzing to me historically has not been the best method :\

Anyway, hi and I hope this is the last time I start a program because this one "sticks" for life.



  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I'm not sure that you can track that on an app, but on the computer and website, you can definitely draw up reports to see if you are going over on a certain item (i.e. sugar, carb, fat, etc.).

    It will not do an analysis for you. However, when you see red, ask the questions on forums that are set up on MFP. If you aren't losing weight, then start doing something different. You should evaluate the nutritional info everyday, but you can definitely get reports for weekly and monthly.

    You need to start taking control in order to make this "stick" for life. Try going to a nutritionist, or even reading the nutrition forum threads. Research will help you along the way. Losing weight is a mindset and you have to know that you can do this. YOU control what you put into your mouth, therefore, YOU control whether you lose anything.

    Good luck on your journey! :D
  • ncraig627
    ncraig627 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you wkwebby :)
  • davis978
    davis978 Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome, glad you're here. The important thing is not how many times you have failed before, but that you're back here and committed to trying again.

    Make sure you have a good plan. There are lots of good ways to lose weight, but the best one for you is one you can do.

    Good luck!

  • tnichols8
    tnichols8 Posts: 2 Member
    The past is simply that and it cannot be changed, but let it not be your destiny. Everyday is a new opportunity. You've got this! Best
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    It will tell you if you are eating too many calories - that is what losing weight all boils down to.

    You have to track your nutrition - the app and the web version will do that for you (the phone app lets you see everything at a glance whereas on the web version you only see up to 5 fields at once). It will show up in red if you go "over" something - sometimes that's OK such as with calcium, vitamin c, protein, etc. It will show you how much more you need of certain nutrients to get to the RDA.

    This is pretty much up to you - you have to make the choices. The app will sometimes tell you that thus and such is high in vitamin c or protein or calcium after you log it - or it will nag you if you start consuming what it considers to be "too many" sugars or fats...but only after you log it.

    You have to educate yourself on how to feed your body in order to maximize nutrition - this is a great tool to keep track but it will not make decisions or suggestions for you, lol...ultimately, you have to own it and take control.

    It's not hard. It's a bit time consuming at first if you haven't bothered to ever learn anything about basic nutrition before - but all the info you need is only a Google search away as far as what foods are rich in what.

    I don't worry about going "over" for sugar, carbs, or fat - I worry only about going "over" for calories. Everything else - vitamins, nutrients, etc. I set my mind to try and meet the RDA because I feel better when I eat nutritionally rich foods. It does sometimes seem like a full time job but only till you learn - then like anything else, it becomes a habit, 2nd nature.

    You just have to want it more than anything - you have to want to be healthy more than you want to take the already well beaten path that has gotten you to and kept you at obesity.

  • ncraig627
    ncraig627 Posts: 11 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    It will tell you if you are eating too many calories - that is what losing weight all boils down to.

    You have to track your nutrition - the app and the web version will do that for you (the phone app lets you see everything at a glance whereas on the web version you only see up to 5 fields at once). It will show up in red if you go "over" something - sometimes that's OK such as with calcium, vitamin c, protein, etc. It will show you how much more you need of certain nutrients to get to the RDA.

    This is pretty much up to you - you have to make the choices. The app will sometimes tell you that thus and such is high in vitamin c or protein or calcium after you log it - or it will nag you if you start consuming what it considers to be "too many" sugars or fats...but only after you log it.

    You have to educate yourself on how to feed your body in order to maximize nutrition - this is a great tool to keep track but it will not make decisions or suggestions for you, lol...ultimately, you have to own it and take control.

    It's not hard. It's a bit time consuming at first if you haven't bothered to ever learn anything about basic nutrition before - but all the info you need is only a Google search away as far as what foods are rich in what.

    I don't worry about going "over" for sugar, carbs, or fat - I worry only about going "over" for calories. Everything else - vitamins, nutrients, etc. I set my mind to try and meet the RDA because I feel better when I eat nutritionally rich foods. It does sometimes seem like a full time job but only till you learn - then like anything else, it becomes a habit, 2nd nature.

    You just have to want it more than anything - you have to want to be healthy more than you want to take the already well beaten path that has gotten you to and kept you at obesity.

    Thanks Wizzybeth! I see what you are talking about within the myfitnesspal program online and over the phone. And you are right about having to take responsibility for my nutrition and make those decisions after doing some research about what will work for me.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
  • moship
    moship Posts: 2 Member
    This app certainly helps a person keep track of the amount of food they eat. I also have a fit bit that I wear. The fit bit app coordinates with this app and that helps to keep me on track. One thing I have found is if you count carbohydrate grams and keep them at a weight loss level ( my level is no more than 60 grams per day to lose weight) you will lose weight. Lowering carbs will automatically lower calories. Stay away from sugar and anything made with flower. Good luck on your journey.