I can't shake off the fat girl mentality

It's a great feeling knowing that every pound I lose is the smallest I have ever been (in my adult life of course) but it's also extremely emotional because I just feel like my overweight teenage self. I can just hear my mom saying "you have to dress for your size" or " only certain girls can wear that"

And I know that she would never intentionally say anything hurtful and it was in my best intention to wear clothes that fit correctly but it still brings up so many emotions knowing that I was the fat girl that could only wear certain clothes.

The thing is that I still have that mindset though. I 166 pounds is very close to what I see as an average 150 pound woman. And maybe its still the fat girl in me that sees 150 as average when average should really be 135.

Starting weight:210
Current weight: 166
Goal weight: I want to be under 150 numbers wise and after that just focus on being healthy and building strength

Thoughts? Comments?

Add me/ Message me/ Whatever - I'm open for discussion


  • gelehcim
    gelehcim Posts: 2 Member
    I struggle with the same thing, but I don't have answers. All I have is my own experience. About a week ago I saw some video on Facebook or somewhere, who knows anymore, and the woman said, and I'm paraphrasing, that she does not feel fat. Fat is not a feeling, and when she feels fat she asks herself what it is she's really feeling. She would sit down and write, meditate, whatever it took to really get in touch with what she was feeling. That hit me like a ton of bricks and for a whole week every time I've felt fat, it was really me feeling inadequate, scared, stressed, exhausted, worthless, depressed, or angry. It was never the fat, it was me taking that feeling that I didn't want to face (especially the worthless one) and turning it back on myself and attacking myself emotionally for being fat.

    I took this a step further last night and I will no longer call myself fat because not only is fat not a feeling, it's not a friggin character flaw. I am overweight, but I am not fat. Fat is the stuff under my skin, it's not me. For me, and I only speak for myself, being overweight is a symptom of something much larger than calories in/calories out. I am not fat, fat doesn't define me. It might for other people but s**** them. I am Michele. I'm a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a business owner, a friend and I'm human so there's no way I can be perfect.

    I want to be healthy not just physically but emotionally because I lost all this before. I was only 30 lbs from my goal but I never dealt with why I became overweight in the fist place so when things in my life got super stressful, I gained it all back. Almost all of it. I was 270, down to 180 with a goal of 150, then back up to 230. I ate 50lbs of stress instead of dealing with the stress, and the stress didn't go away it just got worse.

    Looking at what I eat and how I worked out this week as loving myself instead of punishing myself for "being fat" has probably been one of the best weeks I've had in years. Asking myself why I "feel fat" has been eye opening, for me at least. I've lost 4 lbs in one week and I don't feel like I tried to lose weight, I feel like I've loved myself.

    All of this is to say....I wonder if you have feelings of being inadequate in your parent's eyes and that was never resolved, (that's the worthless thing for me, being called worthless as a kid...ugh) but it comes out as "I'm a fat girl".
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have a version of this, as well. I really like that explanation ^ there.

    Except mine is more like, I've never once been the size that I should be, healthy bmi-wise, so I'm sitting here at my lowest memorable weight, early high school, and I have no idea what happens now. And it scares me a little to be smaller than I am now, even while I don't like where I am now.

    It doesn't help that everyone in my life is ready to say, you're good, you're great, you don't need to lose. Having a hard time going that extra little bit more (or possibly more than that). I feel your pain.

    I started at 216, am currently at 155, goal is currently 145, although I'm considering moving it to 130.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    You are not fat. You have fat. You have done a great job in getting rid of that fat and you will continue to do so. Once you reach your goal weight treat yourself and hire a personal shopper so you can see how amazing clothes fit your un-fat self. I bet it will be breath taking.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    edited February 2015
    I struggle with this. I have lost almost 180 lbs. It is terribly difficult for me to buy clothes because I still see myself as 319 lbs and know that nothing will possibly fit. As weird as it is when I fit into a size 8 I am amazed. Every time. I don't understand why I have this disconnect but it's there. I know I look different and I know I live a different lifestyle than I did in the past but some days I still am 319 lbs. I'm still learning about how to process/deal with it.