I have a long journey and need buddies

My name is Connie. I have been battling weight issues for the last 30 years. Except these last 4 years have been the worst. I cant seem to get a handle on controlling my journey of weight loss. Today I start again. I live with my husband who enables me to over eat. He is killing me with his kindness and I need to have the will power to say no. I feel I need to hurry and drop at least 20 pounds to start or I wont be here much longer. I'm in a lot of pain. I need others who understands the journey. May allof you have success with your weight loss.


  • It's hard work but with dedication it can be done. Stay positive!
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    You can do it! Take it one day at a time and one step at a time.
  • conniegarcia967
    conniegarcia967 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • conniegarcia967
    conniegarcia967 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks I will
  • Connie I know exactly what you're going through. As much as I love my man he say's "just eat, it won't hurt you" !?!? I was diagnosed pre-diabetic, scared the crap out of me. It's only been 3 days but I've given up all whites (bread, tortillas, chips, rice and pasta) What I realized that if I'm going to do this I need to do it by myself for myself. It's hard because I will have to cook some of my meals separate from my family but I am determined. I listen to music and walk and before I know it I'm 3 miles in and feeling rewarded. I also noticed that walking (I use an elliptical) in the morning gets my heart/day going. Keep Strong, Stay Positive and do this for YOU!
  • conniegarcia967
    conniegarcia967 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you Patti, you are right. I also am pre diabetic. Now my knees are giving me extreme pain. I have a stationary bike and I cringe at using it because of the pain, but I feel Im just going to have to do it any way. I have been babying my knees because I need them for work, I stand all day. But something has got to give and that would be me. So I am going to go into my work out room now and do it. Thanks for your encouraging words.,
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    I too know how you feel. I've been battling my weight for a long time too and I'm only 29. I'm scared to turn 30 weighing as much as I do. I get out of breath a lot and can't do a lot of things. Feel free to add me as a friend. Once again I am starting over (yesterday) and I hope this is the time. Good luck to you!!
  • ElzabthB
    ElzabthB Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck with your journey :)
  • Wishing you all the best Connie. I'm here to cheer you on all the way .
  • annas987
    annas987 Posts: 301 Member
    Here for you Connie!
  • Just keep moving!!! That's been my motto. Every step counts, every calorie counts. I was also diagnosed as pre-diabetic and put on 500 mg of Metformin a day. High blood pressure as well. I knew I needed to make changes.

    Start slow. Commit to walking one mile 3 times a week. As that becomes easier, add an extra day or an extra half mile (or both!! Go crazy!!) I jumped in full force and am now doing an hour of kickboxing 3 times a week, 7-8 miles on a stationary bike 3 times a week plus a full weight machine circuit 2-3 times a week. I'm feeling stronger and better than I ever have. Keeping to a strict 1200 calorie a day diet and I'm down almost 10 lbs in the last month. Yes, my hips hurt and my shin splints are making it feel like my leg is breaking most days. Ice and ibuprofen are my friends. But I know the stronger and more fit I become, the less the pain will be. There is a poster in my kickboxing gym that says "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." True words. ; )

    You can do this!
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Logging all my calories helps to keep me accountable. I have to remind my husband often that we just cannot have junk food in the house (and even then he brought home 3 bags of chips last night). Watching the 'Chew On This' TED talks together on Netflix really helped him to see my struggle, and made him want to eat a little healthier too. If he is eating junk food in front of you and you are having a hard time with it then come on here and read the 'Things No One Told You About Weight Loss' thread. It's really motivational!
  • katab2014
    katab2014 Posts: 41 Member
    I have health issues too, breathlessness and angina and I have strong hands from gripping the bannister as I walk down the stairs because of my knees! My husband is very supportive, but he does like his snacks. What we have learnt as a compromise is that he only has snacks I dislike...crackling, twig lets, marmite. And I have my weight watchers snacks from supermarket so I do t feel left out.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I am diabetic as well and in the beginning we were on panic mode. I went on a crash diet and exercised daily and lost 25 pounds and my body could not handle it. I burned myself. My mom died and I gained 13 pounds back. I am an over eater or emotional eater and I had to work with my emotions first. Learn what triggered me to over eat or eat the bad foods. Once I started to exercise regularly my emotional state changed. I eat a bit of everything and I am back stronger than ever. Even when the people around me are tempting me I remain strong. You can do it!! Add me if you want. Good luck. This is not easy and it does take a lot of hard work and determination but you can do this. In the end you will feel better, happier and healthier.
  • A friend of mine lost 5 stone and has kept it off for 3 years now and her Moto is "little picker big knickers" so that is what I will keep saying to myself hope it helps you too and good luck !!