Immune system function

I struggle with illness for a number of reasons 1) I'm a swimmer 2) I work with kids. Does anyone have any strategies that help them can reduce the chances of getting ill?


  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I work with 0-5 year olds and the best advice to not get sick: be healthy. Easier said than done, but sleep well, eat well, perhaps look into a multivitamin if you're not on one, and if it's flu season you may want to get a flu vaccine. Honestly after a few years working with the munchkins I've noticed my immune system is much, much, much stronger than it used to be. I feel like the first 5-6 months I was catching every single cold they brought in but now it takes something like gastro to get me sick. So if you're just starting a new job with the kids be patient, the immunity will come in time.
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't take a multivitamin so will look into that. Thanks :)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Take vitamin c, echinacea and zinc. Astragulus is good too. Make sure to wash your hands often and don't get the flu vaccine! I don't take it and have not been sick since I stopped (I have 3 kids always bring home some bug) exercise, and eat healthy. Also maybe something to help support your adrenal glands (adrenal supplement) and support your thyroid (thyroid supplement) oh and a great thing is probiotics! Drink kefir or kombucha or take a supplement of that because good bacteria fights off bad and if you ever have to take an anti biotic m or have a stomache bowel ilness double up the probiotic.
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks :) will try and get some of your suggestions implemented into my daily routine. Will do anything to keep healthy, to keep me in the water and racing!
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    I work in a hospital in ER registration. I see all kinds of sick kids and adults daily. I try to eat a well balanced healthy diet (lower carb for I am diabetic) and I also take a Equate (walmart brand) one a day for women, 3-1000 Vitamin D (per Dr orders) and a Vitamin C.

    I rarely ever get sick. Not sure if it is what I am eating or the vitamins. I use to get sick alot, but I also had high blood sugar and it is more in line now. I do have an open food diary if you need to look at what I eat. (I got stuck at work due to an ice storm so 3 days was not my norm. Feb 16-18, but was back on track Feb 19th and before the 16th
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    kayeiam wrote: »
    I work in a hospital in ER registration. I see all kinds of sick kids and adults daily. I try to eat a well balanced healthy diet (lower carb for I am diabetic) and I also take a Equate (walmart brand) one a day for women, 3-1000 Vitamin D (per Dr orders) and a Vitamin C.

    I rarely ever get sick. Not sure if it is what I am eating or the vitamins.

    I also take Vitamin C & D throughout the winter months and rarely get sick. I'm not sure if that's because of the vitamins or good luck but I keep taking them, just in case. When taking Vit. D, it's also a good idea to take some calcium, magnesium and zinc, so a multi-vitamin would be recommended.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Wash you hands frequently, and try to get your kids to wash theirs frequently, too. At least have them wash up when they first come home. Use normal soap, not the special antibacterial stuff or you risk drying out your skin and compromising your first line of immune defense.

    Avoid touching your face, especially around your nose, mouth, and eyes as much as you can.

    Do that, and you'll make the spread of common germs in your household less likely.
  • Have you ever tried taking DoTerra's "On Guard" ? I use the beadlets and have had great results. ;)
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all your help and suggestions! All sound like vitamin supplements are worth a try so will pick myself a multivitamin up.

    Just to clarify - I don't personally have kids, I just work with them.