First time Mom, losing baby weight!

I'm 33 and just had my first baby in November 2014. I gained nearly 70lbs! I've always struggled a bit with weight going up and down as I inconsistently commit to exercise and healthier eating. I never really weighed over 200 lbs until I got pregnant and then I went all the way to 253! Yikes! I was super-swollen in the last 2 months of my pregnancy and almost immediately dropped 30 lbs after delivery. I've been holding steady at 225 or thereabouts, since December. I weighed 184 when I got pregnant. I'm almost 6'0 tall so that's not too crazy. I think my BMI was at about 25. My goal is to get back down to 185. I think the charts say I should probably be more in the 175 range but I'm not conforming. My goal is to be healthy and strong and to put these maternity leggings in a Rubbermaid container for good.

Any other ladies trying to lose the baby weight? Message me if you wanna be friends!


  • Hugo414
    Hugo414 Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations. I lost 125lbs I did it by being in a caloric deficit and working out. I controlled my cravings by incorporating Intermittent Fasting which I follow to this day. Either way the way to lose weight is to do work.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! Congrats on having your first baby! Those few months are crazy! My son is now 2 years old and I still haven't gotten down to pre- pregnancy weight. I was 165(I'm 5'7) and got up to 220 at my last appointment before giving birth. I dropped down to 179 within 6 weeks due to breast feeding and being too exhausted to eat. Then over time I crept back up to 197. I'm down to 188 now. My goal is to get down to 159 so I will be in the healthy bmi range. I'm just looking to be my healthiest .... not out to be a swimsuit model! :) feel free to friend me.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Congrats on your baby. I've had 3 pregnancies (with big babies), and 3 c-sections, I now carry all my weight on my stomach. I'm still struggling to get the weight off after my last pregnancy, 21 months ago. Good luck with getting the baby weight off...but remember to enjoy the time with your baby. Maybe incorporate exercise into your baby time.