Slow & Steady wins the race


I'm Meg, 23 and living in Cardiff.
I've always been slightly bigger than I should be and have always found every excuse going to NOT exercise and ALWAYS reach for the chocolate.

I stumbled across the App and just thought- what the hell!
I'm now in my 4th week and 5 pounds down (Aiming for 20 at the moment.)
I absolutely love to cook and it has meant I've had to be really creative which is fine by me!
It hasn't been a massive weight loss but I'm feeling healthier, full of beans and positive.

I'm happy to link up with people too. I hadn't to start with but actually- getting encouragement from complete strangers helps me more than from my own boyfriend!

My goal date is April 30th when I'll be heading on holiday (bikinis :neutral_face: )
I'm also aiming to release before and after photos around this time as well!!

1 pound a week. So far so good!
Slow and steady wins the race!


  • levazaya
    Hi Meg, congratulations on starting here! I am new in this community too...and I have the same goal 20 pounds!!! And I am also in my 4th week!! Wow...and April 30th is actually on my calendar as well. Is it a coinsidence? :-) I am 36 (23 in my heart!!!) married, 2 kids and full time job...I don't have time to exercise after work - I do it during my lunch, 3 times during the work week. Then I squeeze 1 more work out on Saturday between the kids' activities. Well, monitoring 1200 calories on my app per day is my goal. I am 23 in my heart and would like to compare our results if this is ok with you. I do also need more motivations from strangers, xoxox. Slow and steady is actually a chinese strategy that always wins, I am trying to keep exactly that statement in my head! Good luck to you!
    This week my challenge is not to give up - because for some reason I don't see changes in my weight much...How could I gain 0.5 lbs overnight when I sticked with 1200 cal, worked out and even took stairs for 15 min in the office??? o well, Slow & steady....
  • mwapem
    mwapem Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Meg!! I'm 22 living in america but I am also looking to get fit! So we can motivate each other!
  • maryannecsmart
    Hey Meg! Same here I've given myself one year to lose and maintain a new healthy weight. I think it's the best way to do it, 1year may sound like a long time but I intend to stay at that healthy weight for the rest of my life :) so no short cuts! Good luck! Maryanne