When does weight loss begin?

smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
so people have started asking if i was losing weight, truth is... i am not! i am gaining....i know i am losing inches but when will the pounds come off? a little frustrated


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Your sodium has been quite high a couple of days.

    If you are losing inches, that's progress, so don't get too discouraged.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Your sodium levels have been pretty high...try keeping a close eye on your sodium intake for a few days; you're probably retaining water like crazy
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    Everyones body is different, and how your body reacts to the changes in lifestyle you have made is unique too your body. I have been losing pounds, but the inches are very slow to come off. I've lost 55 lbs, and I am only down 4 inches in my hips.

    My suggestion is, up your cardio and lower your strength training. Watch your sugar and sodium intake, and drinks lots and lots of water. The pounds will come off. Don't give up. Push forward :)

    We are here to help and motivate you!
  • shmmry17
    shmmry17 Posts: 4
    I feel the same way. I cut my calorie intake way down and have been exersiceing for six weeks (from before when I was doing nothing and eating like a pig) and I feel so discouraged. I have only lost 4 pounds and grrrrrr I wanted a little more than that to shed after all this hard work and time. But I am seeing my body change so I am trying to hold on ;)
  • biodeb
    biodeb Posts: 19
    Losing inches is more important! As you become more healthy you'll rely less on what the scale says and listen to your body. Are you feeling better? More energy? Better outlook? These measurements are more important than what the scale says. And people are noticing!! That's another measurement!! Sounds like you're doing great! You're making progress... keep it up. Just imagine what another week, month, year will bring you...
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    I too have been having problems losing actual weight, only in the past few days has my scale moved at all! For me, I bought a new scale and it shows my BMR, plus % muscle, fat, water, and of course my weight. It has helped me see how many calories I should be eating. My maintenance calories are only around 1400, and in order to lose 1# of fat you must burn around 300 calories a day! MPF was not telling me go below 1200 on my rest days. I have been conciously trying to keep my eating cals around 300 less a day this past week, and this week the scale is finally moving. Don't get me wrong, I am eating! And I am full! I think MPF isn't truely calibrated for pears and skinney fat people. I also don't trust it's cal burned as bible either. Keep working until you find out what works best for you! This too will pass!
  • propjetprop
    propjetprop Posts: 60 Member

    I reviewed your diary for the last week and here is my opinion:

    The first thing I noticed is that you skipped breakfast a few days, but still went over on your calories....It would help you lose weight if you eat small portions of healthy food more frequently...

    Second is your choices of foods... Even though you might be eating small portions, your body is not designed to consume the stuff in your diary... ie. Chips, ice cream, deli meats, mayo, etc......

    If you try eating like a cave man/woman (no processed foods at ALL) Only eat what cave man had access to, I guarentee the weight will come off, AND you will actually be eating much more food, but less calories....

    High fiber will fill you up longer and keep you motivated!

    1. IT IS OK TO BE HUNGRY... The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will shed the lbs. You are changing your metabolism and habits, and you body is going to fight you... you have to control this and tell yourself every second of every day that it is ok to be hungry.... Make sure you are sticking to your caloric intake to stay healthy, but accept hunger... HUNGER PANGS ARE FAT LEAVING THE BODY!

    2. EAT LIKE A CAVEMAN.... what I mean by this is if caveman had access to it or could make it you CAN eat it... if cave man could not access or make it, you CAN NOT eat it.... Very simply, our bodies are designed through evolution to be hunter/gatherers... we hike 20 miles, kill an animal, eat it and repeat... So stay away from the processed foods.... ALL processed foods... If you look at the ingredients and can not understand, read or comprehend at one glance what is in it... DO NOT EAT IT..

    3. When you feel hungry, start chugging water... if it is not "time" to eat and you feel hungry your body might actually be slightly dehydrated. The water will satisfly the hunger pang temporarily and along with an apple or a a small veggi snack you will make it to your next meal...

    4. EAT BEFORE YOU EAT.... If you are going to be in a place that is tempting, ie: out with friends, at a party, holidays, etc. Eat cave man food before you put yourself in that situation.. Example: You are going to meet friends for a night out.. you know you will be around good food and drinks... before you leave the house chow down on a pouch of tuna, smoked salmon, bowl of soup, instant rice, etc.. something, anything, so when you sit down to dinner or are at the party you are not "Starving" and you order food that is appropriate for YOU!

    5. ALWAYS HAVE FOOD WITH YOU... this might mean you have to carry a fanny pack or purse/satchel, but it works.. keep it loaded with good stuff.... dried fruit, nuts, grapes, pouch of tuna, can of chicken, etc... if you feel temped to go in the convience store while pumping gas or cruzing the airport, grab your gut to remind yourself why your are doing this and then eat the good stuff you have with you, not the crap you could buy at the kiosk.... Check out my signature picture... I am an airline pilot and I carry that bag full of good stuff that last me 4-5 days on the road!

    Get mean, suck it up and get it done!
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you guys for the motivation and tips! I need to rethink my choices and watch my sodium! i CAN do this!!!
  • jeseka619
    jeseka619 Posts: 21
    I would definately suggest loweing your sodium intake drastically. I would also cut back on breads and any sort of sweets, chips, crackers, and processed/prepared meals. And definately stay away from the fast food and pizzas for now.
    I have seen the best results with lean protein (chicken, turkey, egg whites, etc), lots of veggies and fruit and whole grains (brown rice, sweet potato, etc). Your body needs and wants this type of food - if you start eating like this, you should see results. I would bet if you bring your sodium level, you will see the first 5-10lbs come off fast. For me, I lost 8lbs in the first 2 weeks because I kept my soduim levels low and before I started - I was actually eating similar to how you are eating now. Just a thought! Good luck :)
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