nutrition/ wellness coach online certs??

anyone know of any challenging online nutrition and or wellness coach programs that aren't a complete joke??



  • Check out Wellcoaches Inc. It is an online certification program that spans 18 weeks. It is legitimate and I did it myself.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    ACE or ACSM. THere's also NASM and a few others, but I can't personally say wht they are like. The ACSM certifications are often what is offered when you go to college for Exercise Science. They are also the organization that is referenced when someone mentions recommended activity level. They are basically the gold standard.

    That being said, I don't think they do wellness coach or nutrition certs. But they do certifications beyond a basic trainer, depending on your education. ACE does offer nutrition and some kind of coach as well. I have certs through both and they were both pretty difficult. I studied at home but did have to go in person to test. Whatever you do, make sure it's NCAA accredited.