Tuning 40 Sucks.



  • Christi132
    Christi132 Posts: 67 Member
    Here's my attitude... I'm 47 and the more I have to work to get and keep in shape, the more I appreciate my health. What a blessing each day is that we can walk, run, shovel the driveway, go up and down stairs 20 times a day to do laundry, etc. I know some day when I'm around 80 I won't be able to do all those things so I try to enjoy life the fullest now. Being able to fit into my "skinny jeans" is nice, but being fit is the real goal.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I'm 40 and I've lost more weight than I have in 14 years of trying. It has been pretty easy so far for me. My expectation is to lose 1 lb a week though and it will take as long as it takes to get to my goal weight. I expect to be at my goal next year. I'm better off every single day.

    It sounds to me like you have been making good steady progress actually. Try to focus on the positive.
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far! You're working hard you deserve a pat on the back. It will come off.
  • azneee
    azneee Posts: 25 Member
    Christi132 wrote: »
    Here's my attitude... I'm 47 and the more I have to work to get and keep in shape, the more I appreciate my health. What a blessing each day is that we can walk, run, shovel the driveway, go up and down stairs 20 times a day to do laundry, etc. I know some day when I'm around 80 I won't be able to do all those things so I try to enjoy life the fullest now. Being able to fit into my "skinny jeans" is nice, but being fit is the real goal.

    Well put, Christi132! A functional body that carries me through what I hope is a long, active life--that is a gift! I'm turning 40 this year and it's been a blessing to shift my thinking from how my body looks to how grateful I am that it carries me up the trail. I may have to work harder but the rewards are so much sweeter when the focus is holistic health and living well everyday. Thanks for that inspiration!

  • I am frustrated and need to vent, so please excuse me.

    About 5 years ago, I lost close to 40-50lbs and put on around 15-20lbs of muscle. I could lose weight easily and keep it off. But an injury and a couple other factors knocked me out of routine and I stopped working at it. 5 Years later I gain it all back.

    In December '14 I started to watch what I eat. January I saw a doctor to get a baseline and talk about next steps. Mid January I started going to the gym 5 days a week.

    2.5 Months later I am only 15lbs down. I am frustrated. I used to lose weight very quickly, almost like a light switch. 15lbs could be done in a month with little effort.

    Now, I learn, because I am getting older - my body is changing and losing weight is much, much slower. I much more sore the next day after the gym, my hips hurt after workouts, and a creak and crack in joints I didn't know could make that noise.

    This week I lost only .5 lb in 7-10 days. Now, I could be putting on muscle, which I expect, but the s l o w weight loss is really frustrating.

    I'm kicking myself for taking quick weight loss for granted. Irritated I have to warm up, cool down, and stretch so much. That I have to take supplements to help keep things moving.

    Sorry to *kitten*. I know I should be grateful. But this is so much effort so so little loss. It's almost overwhelming.

  • Well done! Loosing that much weight is great. You clearly know that loosing weight is about lifestyle changes which you are doing... But remember also that people that loose the weight 'slow and steady' are much more likely to keep it off. You lost weight very quickly first time, and for lots of reasons put it back on. This time take it slow and change your eating habits the weight will come off and stay off!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    Take what you now know about wishing you had lost weight when you were younger. If you think 40 is bad try being 64 and 5ft tall. That is where I am. Yes it gets harder as you get older but it is not impossible. I have to really work at it because of my age and my height and yes, everything hurts a darn sight more than when I was 40. You are but a babe yet. Make the most of it.