Why are you here?



  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I started because it was an established mechanism for tracking intake and exercise. How boring is that?
    But I *love* it here because I can learn/ask questions without fear of judgment and be inspired by women and men both with diverse experiences/goals. If someone hits that very (very) narrow window of subject matter in which I have a little knowledge, I can be useful, which is also a motivator for me (personality). I frequently need accountability and to be reminded to stay on track. I love my gym, but I don't hear those people's stories. People on MFP are ironically more real to me than the people I see every day at the gym. And if I need to connect with 40-something female runners whose backs are troubling them at higher distances because of age ... I can find a bunch of you, lol!! Stay strong MFP peeps. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to ice my back and take some Motrin.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I gained a little weight training for my first half marathon, which was a good thing...and then even more training for my first marathon, which was not. I wasn't having any luck "just eating less" on my own, so I figured why not try this tracking business. I then discovered MFP is a place where I can talk about working out and races and no one jumps in with a thousand eyerolls and "#humblebrag much"es.
    Love reading your comments - ;)
  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I am about to be 40 in April! I want to feel like I did in my 20's and I am Going to accomplish this!!! I WILL!
  • mizzbombshell
    mizzbombshell Posts: 9 Member
    I want to lose about 55lbs. Almost 6 months post Partum, down 45lbs but still not where I want to be!
    Here for motivation and accountability
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    tkouns2015 wrote: »
    I am about to be 40 in April! I want to feel like I did in my 20's and I am Going to accomplish this!!! I WILL!

    for what it's worth, the 40s are *so much better* than the 20s (and I had a lot of (too much) fun in my 20s) ... :)
  • MickeyCastello
    MickeyCastello Posts: 269
    edited February 2015
    I originally came here to lose 61 pounds, now I'm here for maintenance.
  • KCEngr
    KCEngr Posts: 30 Member
    I have been using MFP for a while and find that active users are the best help. Looking for friends to lose some weight with. I want to get back in shape for summer (thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day and every other holiday has beef a weight challenge for me).
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    I've lost 120 lbs so far. I'm here to finish off my last 40-50 lbs of weight loss in preparation for my first 100 mile trail race. I'm getting involved in the MFP community to hopefully provide support and mentor anyone who's just getting started in their journey.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    I initially downloaded the app purely to log my calorie intake - which has made a massive difference.
    Then I discovered the full site and the other members opened up a wealth of knowledge and support that has proved invaluable over the past 18 months.

    This site rules. A lot.
  • michellelhodges123
    michellelhodges123 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm here because I've been overweight most go my freakin life! Did lose 115lbs in 2008.. due to virus that attacked heart and sent everything haywire...one procedure, and now 2meds to control my rtythm have added almost 50 of those back! Awaiting dr clearance to return to gym..til then have revamped the diet, eliminated a ton of crap...getting support here that I don't get from home. Lol...husband says I look fine..why loose....I'm terrified of ending up like my mother! I'm not going to! Now..if it would stop snowing...maybe warm up at least to 20! I could at least tolerate getting the dog out! Always looking for new friends!
  • NonaEv
    NonaEv Posts: 20
    KCEngr wrote: »
    I have been using MFP for a while and find that active users are the best help. Looking for friends to lose some weight with. I want to get back in shape for summer (thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day and every other holiday has beef a weight challenge for me).

    Be friends with me! I need the support as well. :(
  • tinyt32
    tinyt32 Posts: 8 Member
    I am here for me....realized it's time i make time to look after me!
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    I'm here for something to do.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    tinyt32 wrote: »
    I am here for me....realized it's time i make time to look after me!

    *so* important!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Started on here in 2012 when I was 260 and needed to get in better shape. I have stuck around to help me maintain. I am in better shape at 41 than I was in High School and plan on maintaining that for the rest of my life.
  • sneaky_teaky
    sneaky_teaky Posts: 30 Member
    I'm here because at the beginning of the year my husband and I were talking about what we wanted to accomplish this year. Somewhere in that conversation we decided this would be the year we would take that big step in expanding our family by having a baby. I was so excited at first, but was suddenly saddened when he brought up my current weight problem and how that would effect a pregnancy. My mom was overweight with both my sisters and I, and as such she was high risk. My mother-in-law also had issues when she was pregnant with my husband(He was over 10 pounds and she needed an emergency hysterectomy). With this in mind I had to take a step back and look at all my failed plans to be healthy and my expanding waistline. I googled weight tracking and fitness apps, and one site listed this as one of the top apps. Seeing it was free I thought I would give it a shot. That same day I gave up pop, and am now 44 days 'soda-sober'.

    I have only been a part of MFP since Jan 8, and have since lost 15 pounds. My goal is to lose a total of 60 by September. If I can accomplish that we will move forward with the plan of building our family, but in a much more healthy way than if we were to jump into it now.

    My motivational mantra right now is: What do I want more, (insert food) or a healthy baby?
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    Just here to get healthy and stay that way with good choices and exercise.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Been maintaining for 5 years. Log for a couple of months a yrar to make sure of my porion sizes. I am back, now, to regulate CICO because of exercise regime changes, so I don't lose.
    Cheers, h.
  • starsarai720
    starsarai720 Posts: 31 Member
    I started in 2012 when I was underweight and not eating enough. Now I am10lbs heavier than I want to be and looking for a heather lifestyle and to change my body composition so I can have lower body fat and more lean muscle. I am creating a heather relationship with food.

  • ameulton
    ameulton Posts: 22 Member
    hi! well i have used MFP before and had fair results. i have been over my max allowed weight (200lbs) for a good year or so now. maxed out at 220lbs, im only 5'4" sooo...... any who i cannot move like i want. i have rolls and dimples. i hate the belly fat! blecha! so now im watching my calories. and just trying to move everyday. mostly just taking the dog for walks, but sometimes when it is just me and the kiddos i play just dance on the wii!