proper time to weigh yourself.

breannatrevs Posts: 114
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
My starting weight with MFP was 225 pounds, and My weight now is 205.
But in the morning when I wake up then pee the scale says 203.
But after lunch and dinner it reads 205.0 ?
Which one is more accurate?
The morning or evening ?


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Think about it - if you drink 8oz of water you will weigh 8oz more.

    So in the morning you've fasted for 6-8 hours and it would be your true weight without having put anything in your stomach yet.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before you eat, naked, after you used the bathroom. That way your don't have any excess food in your body and you have gotten rid of the food from the day before. Don't weigh yourself with clothes on because then you are adding in the weight of the clothes too.
  • graphixgal76
    graphixgal76 Posts: 1 Member
    The proper time to weight yourself is in the morning after you pee and wearing no clothes. You will gain and lose water weight throughout the day so your weight seem to will fluctuate, but your actual weight is what you weigh first thing in the morning.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I weigh in the a.m. but sometimes I can weigh in after lunch and actually weigh less than I did that morning. Doesn't make sense.

    But I would weigh at the same time everyday naked if possible and would try to just stay consistent.

    Here's a good article:
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    I think its also important to note that you weigh yourself at the same time and be consistant.. what I've noticed is that during the week my weight is like the stock market.. up and down on a day to day basis but each monday my "weigh in" day its trending down so I'm happy..
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    i weigh in when i get out of bed and go to the bathroom before getting in the shower. the important thing, though, is weighing in the same way at the same time every time. So if you weigh in during the morning, weigh in that way everytime. My fiance weighs in at work (office competition started it) so he continues with that. It's hard to tell accurate loss if you weigh in before your morning shower today but next week at the end of the day before going to bed.
  • kasargent
    kasargent Posts: 11 Member
    The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before you eat, naked, after you used the bathroom. That way your don't have any excess food in your body and you have gotten rid of the food from the day before. Don't weigh yourself with clothes on because then you are adding in the weight of the clothes too.

    I agree. That's when I weigh myself, and that's what my physician told me told. I feel I am getting the most accurate weight then.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Friday morning after a trip to the bathroom and before breakfast , naked!
  • kasargent
    kasargent Posts: 11 Member
    i weigh in when i get out of bed and go to the bathroom before getting in the shower. the important thing, though, is weighing in the same way at the same time every time. So if you weigh in during the morning, weigh in that way everytime. My fiance weighs in at work (office competition started it) so he continues with that. It's hard to tell accurate loss if you weigh in before your morning shower today but next week at the end of the day before going to bed.

    This is good too. :-) Same time, every time. I usually only weigh in on Mondays, to keep myself more accountable on the weekends, but I have started a mid-week weigh in for short term goals.
  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    If you weigh yourself with clothes on its normally 1-3lb difference (I weigh with clothes on because my cousin's gf is in there with me to make sure I don't say less than what it reads but I subtract the 1-3lbs from my clothes depending on if its my pj's or street clothes.) The morning is the best time to do weekly weigh-in's or how ever often you weigh yourself.
  • flyboy1
    flyboy1 Posts: 18 Member
    Be consistent, pick a time and use it. It really doesn't matter. The morning will always be the least. I weigh myself after I do my gym workout. If you go to the doctor you're not asked what your weight was at your morning weigh in. It is only a number and it is all about how YOU feel and your clothes fit. Just keep doing what your doing and the number will continue to get smaller.
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    I was always told first thing in the am after you go potty... and remember to clothes make a difference, so I was always told wear the same thign each time or wear nothing at all so you dont ahve to worry about it...
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    The best time to weigh yourself is the same time, everyday.
  • JaiHook
    JaiHook Posts: 12 Member
    I have been told it doesn't matter when you weigh yourself as long as each week you are weighing yourself at the same time. I prefer mornings when I have an empty stomach.
  • cm40
    cm40 Posts: 30
    I weigh myself every morning after the bathroom, naked, before breakfast. Then I take the numbers for the week and average them out. I keep those on my Google Calendar I set up just for workouts and fitness journal. So far it's been working for me. I keep track of my calories, workouts (calories burned using HRM), and my weight. It's easy to go back and SEE why I didn't lose the weight I had planned. Or why I lost more than I expected when you look at exactly what you were doing.

    After a workout I can easily drink two bottled waters (16.9 oz each x 2 = 2 lbs water gain). I doubt I sweat the same amount. I don't think weighing once a week is accurate at all.
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I always do it first thing in the AM without clothes because different clothing can make a +/- 2lb difference which is a lot for me.
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