1 week in doctor controlled weight loss.. Need help.



  • Kchapa82
    I probably need to clarify that on my highest caloric day I ate 800 calories .. Day 1 and 2 were more like 550. I see now where I went wrong and I know it was just an adjustment to the suppressant so I will be striving to get that 1200 in from now on! Causing my body to go into starvation mode is NOT what I am going for! plus the depleted energy I am feeling the last few days really sucks!!
    Everyone has given me such great advice and I appreciate all of it!! MFP has been a great tool for me and I have learned so much in just a short amount of time!! Thanks guys!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kchapa82 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Your profile says you have 58lbs to lose. I know it seems like an insurmountable goal, but you seem to be going to a lot of extremes (granted your doctor is leading you down this path, but it seems too extreme).

    An extreme deficit and fast weight loss can lead to muscle loss. Instead of trying to counteract this with drugs and vitamins, it seems more logical to instead set a moderate calorie goal.

    Beyond low carb, what is your doctor recommending for you? How many calories are you trying to eat? How low are you supposed to keep your carbs? Do you have a gram limit? If you are stopping at 800 because you're full but you're supposed to eat more than that, try focusing on more calorie dense foods (there's a good list above). Many people who eat low carb have pretty high fat levels to fill in. Try full fat dairy and nut butters.

    58 lbs is a lot but I have given myself a year to reach this goal. I have discussed this goal with my doctor as well, she prescribed the appetite suppressant because I tend to constantly be eating. All day while I am at my desk I am snaking and I eat so fast that before I know it I have finished an entire meal before anyone else. This mainly because I work 10-12 hours a day and I (feel) I have to hurry and finish to get back to my work.
    The physician set a 1200 calorie goal for me and the 70 ounces of water. Which is as far as we discussed the breakdown of nutrition for the calories. I don't see her again for another week which is why I asked for advice on MFP.
    I am stopping at 800 by choice but I think some fear and fullness are the reasons. let me explain, I was used to eating over 2000 calories just while I was at work. Chinese or take out for lunch, chocolate during the day, donuts or breakfast tacos for breakfast(south Texas gal) and then when I get home it's a full dinner with the family. I gained around 50 lbs just in the last few years!!
    So when the doc gave me the appetite suppressant, the first day I felt a rise in energy and I did not think about or want food. How unusual! My entire week has looked like this: oatmeal for breakfast, grilled chicken breast and cup of spinach for lunch and turkey burger minus the bread for dinner. I don't even feel like eating that but I know I have to keep eating. Here's where the fear set in... I think I do not eat snacks in between or higher calories during the day because I am afraid when I get home I will binge on everything so I save my calories just in case I am extremely hungry... But the reality for this week seems to be by the time I get home i don't want anything.. Just the smell of food is a complete turn off. I have a fear of failing and going over my calories.. How ridiculous right! Take into account that I did not do ANY kind of exercise this week, which is a huge no no because the doc says I need to be doing something so I can train my body and mind, this way when I stop taking the medication at the end of my 3 weeks, I will be able to maintain what I am doing currently and not slip back. To use this as a tool and not depending on it. Makes sense right?
    I KNOW what I need to do , raise my calories to 1200 and make sure I eat it, exercise and drink lots of water! The problem is I just need to figure out what exactly to eat... Lol all the doc said was more protein.
    I will be contacting a RD on Monday as that was some advice given to me and I feel that is probably my best bet if I want to do this the right way!
    Thanks so much for all y'all's advice!!

    it is great that you are making this change..however, do you really think that you are going to take appetite supersets for the rest of your life and eat 800 to 1200 calories a day?

    What happens when you hit goal weight and stop taking the appetite suppressants? More than likely because you have not taught yourself portion control and moderation you will go back to old eating habits and slowly gain all the weight back in a year or so.

    why not find a balanced approach where you are losing one to two pounds a week with out appetite suppressants and restricting foods…?? IMO that is going to leas to long term sustainable weight loss. The problem with crash and VLC diets is that when they end people tend to go back to old eating habits and eat everything in site...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    My concern for you is HOW are you going to sustain this plan once you're off it? Appetite suppressant for life? Not drinking anything else but water for life?
    Weight loss is gratifying, but weight regain when one tries to lead back in their "normal" life ends up being depressing and demotivating.
    The habits you learn now to lose/maintain weight, should be the ones you continue with for life. If you can't do this diet for life, then it's not the right one. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I've been doing this for years and see it happen over and over again with people who tried the approach you've tried. Just trying to let you see from an objective point of view.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Kchapa82
    Please let me clarify! I do not have ANY intention of taking suppressants for more than 3 weeks more .. Let alone the rest of my life! I am using it as a tool to get myself on a path that I can sustain. Which is why I wrote the post asking suggestions. This is not something I want to do incorrectly and then be back where I started. Not just a fad and definitely not something I care to ever have to do again! I will not be taking the medication until I hit goal weight.. That is something I will hit on my own, not using medications. I am only on the meds for 4 weeks total. That's it! I have been using them 1 week and have three weeks left. Which is why I need to understand how to eat properly and exercise properly to keep going until I finally do hit my goal. This is all at the direction of a physician. Which is why I didn't try and do it on my own! I would rather pay out copays to my doctor and a RD than spend ridiculous amounts of money on fad diets.

    I am not sure where either of you saw that I intended on using these the rest of my life or for the rest of the year for that matter. I had thought I made it clear that I was only on these the first couple of weeks but if I confused anyone I apologize!! Perhaps just seeing the word appetite suppressants make some jump on the your doing it wrong bandwagon but I assure you I do not think I could control my eating as well without their help. Granted they overdid it this week but I recognize the deficient and will correct that moving forward:)

    I have not done anything like this before which is why I needed advice on how to proceed the right way. Thank you to everyone who responded and I am sorry if I confused or offended anyone. That was not my intention!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP …here is advice that i would give to any newbie on MFP:

    enter your stats into MFP and set it for one to two pound per week weight loss and eat to that number

    make sure that you log every single piece of food that you eat

    get a food scale and make sure that you weigh all solids, and as many liquids as you can

    go into custom settings and set your macro percentages to 35% fats; 35% protein; 30% carbs….I suggest a higher fat percent for you because it will help you feel/stay satiated through the day.

    realize that no foods are "bad" or "good"….food is just food, which provides us with energy for bodily functions. So yes this means that you can eat the ocassional pizza, ice cream, cookies, bagel, pasta, etc. Just make sure that you hit your calorie/macro/micro goal

    this step is not necessary but I would suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it. i personally prefer lifting weights with minimal cardio, but that may not be for you. I would suggest doing something for overall health and well being…
    repeat until you get desired results….

  • Kchapa82
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP …here is advice that i would give to any newbie on MFP:

    enter your stats into MFP and set it for one to two pound per week weight loss and eat to that number

    make sure that you log every single piece of food that you eat

    get a food scale and make sure that you weigh all solids, and as many liquids as you can

    go into custom settings and set your macro percentages to 35% fats; 35% protein; 30% carbs….I suggest a higher fat percent for you because it will help you feel/stay satiated through the day.

    realize that no foods are "bad" or "good"….food is just food, which provides us with energy for bodily functions. So yes this means that you can eat the ocassional pizza, ice cream, cookies, bagel, pasta, etc. Just make sure that you hit your calorie/macro/micro goal

    this step is not necessary but I would suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it. i personally prefer lifting weights with minimal cardio, but that may not be for you. I would suggest doing something for overall health and well being…
    repeat until you get desired results….

    Very very very helpful! Thank you! I will absolutely keep this in mind moving forward.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Is this a DO or MD overseeing your program? (big difference in the two)

  • Kchapa82
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Is this your regular physician? Or a weight loss clinic?

    Seems like some extreme measures for 58 lbs to lose? Plus if it was all done by the direction of your doctor why didn't she give you the ratio she wants you to eat?

    Sounds an awful lot like my one trip to a weight loss clinic years ago, here take these pills, with no information. Read what ndj said above
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    As you're already discovering, this plan will take pounds off quickly ... just not necessarily from the aspects where you'd like to lose. Eat your calories, get mentally prepared for the loss to slow, start planning now for how you transition from all of the shortcuts used as part of this program to how you maintain while eating real food otherwise you become a return customer a year or two after reaching your goal.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Is this your regular physician? Or a weight loss clinic?

    Seems like some extreme measures for 58 lbs to lose? Plus if it was all done by the direction of your doctor why didn't she give you the ratio she wants you to eat?

    Sounds an awful lot like my one trip to a weight loss clinic years ago, here take these pills, with no information. Read what ndj said above

    It's not her PCP. She hasn't told us whether it is a weight loss clinic or not.
  • Kchapa82
    My primary care physician recommended me to this doctor. She is an MD with a medical practice not weight loss clinic. She was originally a cardiologist but wanted to help the problem before it became a huge problem kind of thing. So she sees all kinds of people for a variety of different things but she specializes in helping people with weight loss, I researched her before I saw her and she came highly recommended. I work at a hospital as a patient access supervisor and so I work closely with our physicians from time to time. I had gotten very good recommendations from a few of them as well. One being a gastric bypass doctor who would love to get me under the knife.. Lol
    I am very hesitant in seeing just anyone so I have been assured she knows her business.. That is yet to be seen but I am happy so far. She really tries to explain everything so she has not given me no information. I just have more questions than a typical visit would allow and I don't see her but once a week so I just wanted to get advice from others on this site that have lost weight successfully.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    edited February 2015
    Kchapa82 wrote: »
    Please let me clarify! I do not have ANY intention of taking suppressants for more than 3 weeks more .. Let alone the rest of my life! I am using it as a tool to get myself on a path that I can sustain. Which is why I wrote the post asking suggestions. This is not something I want to do incorrectly and then be back where I started. Not just a fad and definitely not something I care to ever have to do again! I will not be taking the medication until I hit goal weight.. That is something I will hit on my own, not using medications. I am only on the meds for 4 weeks total. That's it! I have been using them 1 week and have three weeks left. Which is why I need to understand how to eat properly and exercise properly to keep going until I finally do hit my goal. This is all at the direction of a physician. Which is why I didn't try and do it on my own! I would rather pay out copays to my doctor and a RD than spend ridiculous amounts of money on fad diets.

    I am not sure where either of you saw that I intended on using these the rest of my life or for the rest of the year for that matter. I had thought I made it clear that I was only on these the first couple of weeks but if I confused anyone I apologize!! Perhaps just seeing the word appetite suppressants make some jump on the your doing it wrong bandwagon but I assure you I do not think I could control my eating as well without their help. Granted they overdid it this week but I recognize the deficient and will correct that moving forward:)

    I have not done anything like this before which is why I needed advice on how to proceed the right way. Thank you to everyone who responded and I am sorry if I confused or offended anyone. That was not my intention!!
    If you do it right the first time, it's easier to continue. Whether or not you're use the suppressant for 4 weeks, I ALWAYS look at the "what if". So what if by 4 weeks you still can't control your appetite? Then do you stay on the appetite suppressants longer? And the suppressants don't teach you how to control eating, it just chemically stops you in your tracks from eating. Which is why when people see success using a drug for weight loss, they continue to use it over and over again.
    Weight loss basically comes down to calories in and out. The approach should be ensuring that you learn how to discipline yourself and create a habit by not eating much more than you really need to while meeting your daily macro/micro nutrient essentials.
    Again, I'm not just some guy offering an opinion. I'm a professional in the business who's seen the reprecussions and results from people who have done programs like this. And the stats don't change. Only 10% (just like any other diet program) succeed. Will you be one of the 10%?
    The "right" way should be a way that you can do for life. If a drug isn't needed for an actual physical issue, then it doesn't need to be used.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Kchapa82
    Also I didn't ask her about the ratio. I just saw that this morning on my home page and was curious how it worked and what was a good ratio. I will absolutely ask her at next weeks visit though:)
  • starrhulll
    starrhulll Posts: 11 Member
    Kchapa82 already explained that her doctor is an MD who used to be a cardiologist, but now switched to family practice to help eliminate obesity (because it leads to heart problems). Doesn't sound like a weight loss clinic to me! I'm not sure why people keep mentioning weight loss clinics.
  • Kchapa82
    I agree! I did not seek out the medication it was recommended that i try it as a jumping off point to help get myself under control with eating in moderation. I intend to use it as such and nothing more. I don't care about the lbs or how long it takes to get the weight off.. As long as I am healthy getting there. I am completely okay with a pound or two of weight loss a week and I am as well concerned of the long term success rate. Which is why I am getting as much information as I possibly can. I intend on getting this right and making this a committed lifestyle change. Which is why I sought out a physician that can get me there.
    I am calling in regards to a RD on Monday to assist with nutrition and I would be more than happy paying for a personal trainer if I had the time!! Unfortunately I work as a patient access supervisor roughly 12 hours a day and I get home around 7( I live an hour away from my job). I have college classes two days a week and when I do get home I then have three small children(8,5,4) to care for and feed. My husband works oil field and is a mechanic for land rigs so he is gone quite a bit and when he is home he coaches t ball and I am team mom.. I WISH I had time to fit in an hours gym session but honestly I do not see where unless I get up at 3 and hit the gym.. Lol
    I can however buy an elliptical or bike and squeeze in 30 minutes a day I am sure! I hope!! Lol
    Small steps are the goal:)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP …here is advice that i would give to any newbie on MFP:

    enter your stats into MFP and set it for one to two pound per week weight loss and eat to that number

    make sure that you log every single piece of food that you eat

    get a food scale and make sure that you weigh all solids, and as many liquids as you can

    go into custom settings and set your macro percentages to 35% fats; 35% protein; 30% carbs….I suggest a higher fat percent for you because it will help you feel/stay satiated through the day.

    realize that no foods are "bad" or "good"….food is just food, which provides us with energy for bodily functions. So yes this means that you can eat the ocassional pizza, ice cream, cookies, bagel, pasta, etc. Just make sure that you hit your calorie/macro/micro goal

    this step is not necessary but I would suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it. i personally prefer lifting weights with minimal cardio, but that may not be for you. I would suggest doing something for overall health and well being…
    repeat until you get desired results….

    This dude right here has it. I've lost 70 pounds so far, doing exactly this.
  • Kchapa82
    starrhulll wrote: »
    Kchapa82 already explained that her doctor is an MD who used to be a cardiologist, but now switched to family practice to help eliminate obesity (because it leads to heart problems). Doesn't sound like a weight loss clinic to me! I'm not sure why people keep mentioning weight loss clinics.

    Thank you! I don't know why I feel I am needing to defend what I am doing? I really thought I was doing this the right way and I don't have any intention on offending anyone that thinks I am looking for a quick fix. Not it at all!! Although those that do have that issue can benefit greatly from your passionate posts!! Kudos to you for caring so much to make sure we do this the right way!!
    I do agree that the route I took last week was probably NOT best practice and I will be so much better next week thanks to everyone's advice! You have all been very helpful! Thanks:)
  • Kchapa82
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP …here is advice that i would give to any newbie on MFP:

    enter your stats into MFP and set it for one to two pound per week weight loss and eat to that number

    make sure that you log every single piece of food that you eat

    get a food scale and make sure that you weigh all solids, and as many liquids as you can

    go into custom settings and set your macro percentages to 35% fats; 35% protein; 30% carbs….I suggest a higher fat percent for you because it will help you feel/stay satiated through the day.

    realize that no foods are "bad" or "good"….food is just food, which provides us with energy for bodily functions. So yes this means that you can eat the ocassional pizza, ice cream, cookies, bagel, pasta, etc. Just make sure that you hit your calorie/macro/micro goal

    this step is not necessary but I would suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it. i personally prefer lifting weights with minimal cardio, but that may not be for you. I would suggest doing something for overall health and well being…
    repeat until you get desired results….

    This dude right here has it. I've lost 70 pounds so far, doing exactly this.

    Yes I really took in this post!! Very doable advice:) and congrats on the weight loss!!!! That is amazing!!
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member

    I think a lot of people have already posted some good advice here. I'd just like to share a bit of my story with you, in hopes it might help you a bit.

    This September I made the decision to get healthy. We want to try for a baby next year and I knew that I needed to lose weight and get into a lot better shape before that happened. I started off slow, by changing my diet to include healthier options, and had treats in moderation. I also started walking. At first it was just for 15 minutes, and quickly it became 1.5 hour long walks, and I started swimming, going to aquafit classes, and doing videos at home. By slowly adding more exercise (I'm quite active now) and just eating better, I've now lost 56 lbs in the last 6.5 months. I started off at 310, and so I still have a lot more to lose before I am in a healthy range, but I figure I'm off at a good start.

    If you have around 50lbs to lose, I can tell you that it can be done a lot easier than getting needles and taking pills. Honestly, I usually eat between 1400-1900 calories a day, and I'm not hungry all the time, nor am I depriving myself of treats when they fit into my day's plan.

    I'd suggest that if snacking is a huge problem for you, get rid of the "bad" snacks and replace with carrots (or other easy to snack on veg), fruit, and things like yogurt (greek yogurt has a good amount of protein which also might help keep you full). Then you can have those instead. Figure out what exercise you enjoy, and then slowly add that in. I'd also encourage you to stick around the forums here as you might find some other good advice that is helpful.

    Otherwise, based on what you wrote, you might benefit from seeing a therapist. It seems that you may have some emotional issues with food, and don't trust yourself to handle eating properly. It might be helpful to talk to someone about that, to see if you can get some further coping strategies.

    You're welcome to friend me as well, and I'm happy to help cheer you on. Know that you can do this, and that you are making the effort to get healthy, so as long as you are trying to safely approach things, you will do great. :)