1 week in and need advice:)



  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    That's good because on this journey, the scale at some times will NOT be your friend. You may be doing all the right things for maybe weeks at a time but the scale will not show it. So you just have to trust in the process and use other forms of measurements to track progress (how your clothes fit, for example).

  • dontsweat
    dontsweat Posts: 15 Member
    That sounds like an absolutely terrible diet that is bound to fail. I think you should get a second opinion.

    Ask just about anyone why their diet failed and they'll too it was too restrictive and they gave up too much too quickly.

    No carbs? Does this "MD" not know that carbs are the bodies little taxi drivers that shuttle nutrients around and fill up muscles so you actually have energy?

    High protein? Does this "MD" not know that "eat more protein" won't do anything for you because, like everything else, an excess of protein gets turned in to fat.

    Healthy fats mixed with good carbs and proteins is the best way to approach a diet and the least likely to result in an epic failure where you gain all the weight back plus some more.

    The fact that you lost 4lbs of muscle in ONE week should be throwing up red flags everywhere that this ultra restrictive diet is not in your best interest.
  • She did not recommend no carbs..she recommended Lower carbs than I was currently eating.. I mentioned that I did not eat carbs last week but that was my choice not her advice! I agreed I didn't do everything right in regards to eating last week which is why I asked for advice. She took a look at my weekly intake and suggested more protein and making sure I get at least 1200 calories.
    I ate the low calories this week mostly due to the suppressant and not at all because she told me to eat 800 calories!
  • emdeesea wrote: »
    That's good because on this journey, the scale at some times will NOT be your friend. You may be doing all the right things for maybe weeks at a time but the scale will not show it. So you just have to trust in the process and use other forms of measurements to track progress (how your clothes fit, for example).

    I agree!!